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It was a French journal devoted to mining interests, and contained a long article dealing with the phosphate industry of Metlaoui, near Gafsa, with views of the works and portraits of its principal representatives. Beneath that of the speaker were printed the words "PAUL DUFRESNOY, Ingenieur civil des mines," and some other titles. An odd coincidence, this meeting, on the eve of my departure.

THE SUCCESS attending an application of electric towing on the Burgundy Canal was such that two new applications of electricity to canal haulage and also for barge propulsion were made last year in the neighborhood of Dijon, on the same canal, under the superintendence of M. Gaillot, Ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées.

He did business in sewing machines in Paris, but here gave himself out as an "ingenieur constructeur," and belonged to that class of persons who cannot endure not to be the center of observation wherever they happen to be. It has been said of a man of that stamp, that if he were at a wedding he would wish to be the bridegroom, and if at a funeral to be in the place of the corpse.

Ingenieur des Ponts et Chaussees to his Satanic majesty would be a place of great business, profit and glory, and would require a man of first-rate abilities. Lucy has painted a beautiful portrait of her bullfinch, picking at a bunch of white currants the currants would, I am sure, be picked by any live bird. Tell me how you like Haji Baba. To MISS HONORA EDGEWORTH.

The dynamos are completed, and were put in place on the 20th October, when M. Deprez carried out some preliminary tests in the presence of a commission consisting of MM. Collignon, Inspector-General des Ponts et Chaussées; Delebecque, Ingenieur en Chef du Materiel et de la Traction of the Northern Railway of France; Contanini, engineer in the same company; and Sartaux.

The eruption of Krakatoa has been the subject of an elaborate Report published by the Royal Society, and is also described in a work by Chevalier R. D. M. Verbeek, Ingenieur en Chef des Mines, and published by order of the Governor-General of the Netherland Indies . See also an Article by Sir R. S. Ball in the Contemporary Review for November, 1888. Verbeek, loc. cit., p. 4.

Being somewhat of an age, and a widow of dignity the late Monsieur Jolicoeur has held the responsible position under Government of Ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées yet being also of a provocatively fresh plumpness, and a Marseillaise, it was of necessity that Madame Veuve Jolicoeur, on being left lonely in the world save for the companionship of her adored Shah de Perse, should entertain expectations of the future that were antipodal and antagonistic: on the one hand, of an austere life suitable to a widow of a reasonable maturity and of an assured position; on the other hand, of a life, not austere, suitable to a widow still of a provocatively fresh plumpness and by birth a Marseillaise.

The clutch arrangement has transmitted six horse power from a petroleum motor, making 200 revolutions a minute, to a dynamo making 2,000 revolutions, while applications to industrial purposes are now being made, both in this country and in Belgium. The inventor of the system is M. Raymond Snyers, Ingénieur des Mines, du Génie Civil, et des Arts et Manufactures, of the Louvain University.

Equally, both are worthy of Madame Jolicoeur's consideration: both being able to continue her in the life of elegant comfort to which she is accustomed; and both being on a social plane it is of her level accurately to which the widow of an ingénieur des ponts et chaussées neither steps up nor steps down.

Was Chance its grand inventor, its great ingenieur? Why or how should Chance love loveliness that was not, and make it be, that others might love it? Could it be a deaf God, or a being that did not care and would not listen, that invented music? No; music did not come of itself, neither could the source of it be devoid of music!