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More men like Lee should go to Cuba to inform themselves, not men who will stop in Havana and pick up the gossip of the Hotel Ingleterra, but who will go out into the cities and sugar plantations and talk to the consuls and merchants and planters, both Spanish and American; who can see for themselves the houses burning and the smoke arising from every point of the landscape; who can see the bodies of "pacificos" brought into the cities, and who can sit on a porch of an American planter's house and hear him tell in a whisper how his sugar cane was set on fire by the same Spanish soldiers who surround the house, and who are supposed to guard his property, but who, in reality, are there to keep a watch on him.

There is the San Carlos Hotel, near the wharves, which is more of a family than a travelers' resort; the Hotel Pasaje, in Prado Street, quite central; Hotel Europe, in La Plaza de San Francisco; and Hotels Central and Ingleterra: the last two are opposite the Plaza de Isabella, and are in the midst of noise and gayety.

Everything seems to be filthy, from the Hotel Ingleterra, which is considered the best house in Ponce, to the most miserable of huts on the outskirts of the city. Mr. Morrisey said that it is not a question of one place being cleaner than the other, but one place not being as filthy as another.

"¿No puede Vm. dormir?" said Don Luis to me, as he moved away towards the tent. "No, Senor," replied I. "Pienso a la veja Ingleterra; a mi Hermano y a mis amigos." "Por ventura a una amiguita," observed Don Luis. I laughed, and answering, "Es possible, Senor," went on writing. We are now regularly settled on the Bear River, and have, as yet, seen no signs of human life round about us.

"Del buque de guerra el Candahar de la regna Ingleterra we belong to Her Majesty's ship, Candahar!" Bad Spanish or not, however, the poor fellow understood me.

Morrisey in speaking of the Ponce of to-day says that 'the city is in a horrible sanitary condition, and I wondered how the United States troops stood it. I learned there had been an improvement since the soldiers' arrival, but there is room for considerable more, I think. I went to the Hotel Ingleterra, which is considered the best one in Ponce, and engaged a room.