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Before the War this picture would have been a true one; but since the awakening of the younger generation to a better understanding of her resources, together with the withdrawal of large numbers of the colored people into industrial occupations, no state offers more attractive inducements to the homecrofter than Virginia.

You would speak of inducements and counter-inducements, aids and hindrances; but I cannot but think you are limiting the power of will, and therefore limiting duty. Such views tend to make people easily discontented with each other, and prevent their making efforts to get over offences, and to find out what is lovable in those about them. Ellesmere. Here we are in the deep places again.

Stephens, at McIntosh's Bluff, and on Bassett's Creek. These settlements formed the nucleus of an American population in the States of Mississippi and Alabama. The lands bordering upon these rivers and their tributaries were known to be exceedingly fertile, and proffered inducements to settlers unequalled in all the South. Speculation was very soon directed to these regions.

"I have been honest with you from the beginning," I Interrupted abruptly. "Now, if I discover that your statements are false, the inducements are all the other way. I am a soldier of fortune." Henley laughed, the sound grating harshly on my nerves, yet I made no movement of protest as he stepped silently back to his desk.

A vast multitude of pleasures, and these among the purest and the best, are superfluities, bits of good which are, to all appearance, unnecessary as inducements to live, and are, so to speak, thrown into the bargain of life.

He had long been tortured by so tedious and painful a complaint that even these inducements to living on, considerable as they are, were over-balanced by the reasons on the other side. This was hereditary; for diseases, as well as possessions, are sometimes handed down by a sort of inheritance.

A runaway tenderfoot just fresh from school is not wanted on the cattle ranch, and although Western farmers are too good-natured to resent very severely the liberty taken, they never flatter the newcomer by holding out any inducements or making any prophecies as to his future. The writer met a runaway enthusiast of this character a few years ago. His destination was the extreme West.

What now are the centripetal forces against which these inducements contend? In the first place, there are a group of forces that will diminish in strength. There is at present the greater convenience of "shopping" within a short radius of the centre of the great city, a very important consideration indeed to many wives and mothers.

There may be inducements to this or that one of us, at this or that moment, to find delight in him, to cleave to him; but after all, we do not change the truth about him, we only stay ourselves in his inn along with him. And when we come across a poet like Wordsworth, who sings

Mannering was careful to substitute for their amusement in the evening such. books as might convey some solid instruction with entertainment, and as he read aloud with great skill and taste, the winter nights passed pleasantly away. Society was quickly formed where there were so many inducements.