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If she had sorrow of any kind, if some painfully indeterminable sensation was gnawing at her soul, if the vulgarity and banality of a base and disjointed world came her way, the glass case in which she lived simply became more spacious than ever, and the things or thoughts that swarmed around it more and more incomprehensible. One can always laugh if one lives in a glass case.

"Then my cablegram reached the proper parties at Washington," said the magnate, with an I-knew-it-would-be-that-way air. "Thanks to Mr. Perkins." "Of course, of course. That will be er suitably attended to later." The Unspeakable Perk turned and regarded him fixedly; but, owing to the goggles, the expression was indeterminable.

He had laid up his yacht and joined the Red Cross and, henceforth, for an indeterminable period, he was to abide amidst the discomforts and dangers of the Western Front, with five days' leave every three months. The members of a group similarly attired whom I found gathered by the after-rail were likewise cheerful.

But as I look back upon those days they seem to have lost succession, to be fused together, as it were, into one indeterminable period by the intense pressure of emotion; unsatisfied emotion, and the state of physical and mental disorganization set up by it is in the retrospect not a little terrifying.

The Lincoln hills rose up around me at the extremity of a snowy plain, in which I did not remember to have stood before; and the fishermen, at an indeterminable distance over the ice, moving slowly about with their wolfish dogs, passed for sealers, or Esquimaux, or in misty weather loomed like fabulous creatures, and I did not know whether they were giants or pygmies.

But as I look back upon those days they seem to have lost succession, to be fused together, as it were, into one indeterminable period by the intense pressure of emotion; unsatisfied emotion, and the state of physical and mental disorganization set up by it is in the retrospect not a little terrifying.

As her circulation has exceeded eighty-eight milliards, how can she straighten out her money? As for the Austrian and Hungarian crowns, the Jugo-Slav crowns, the Rumanian lei, and all the other depreciated moneys, their fate is not doubtful. As their value is always descending, and the gold equivalent becomes almost indeterminable, they will have a common fate.

The binding of men, the putting yokes about their necks, trampling them in the dust, are the events supposed most important and therefore most noticeable in history; but they are as nothing in comparison with winning belief in matters indeterminable by familiar tests.

The fossils above alluded to in the black calcareous shales are few in number, and are in an imperfect condition; they consist, as named for me by M. d'Orbigny, of: Ammonite, indeterminable, near to A. recticostatus, d'Orbigny, "Pal. Franc." Natica, indeterminable. 4. Cyprina rostrata, d'Orbigny, "Pal. Franc." Mer." 6.

But as I look back upon those days they seem to have lost succession, to be fused together, as it were, into one indeterminable period by the intense pressure of emotion; unsatisfied emotion, and the state of physical and mental disorganization set up by it is in the retrospect not a little terrifying.