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Mason also relates the instance of a man who swallowed metal balls 2 1/2 inches in diameter; and the case of a Frenchman who, to prevent the enemy from finding them, swallowed a box containing despatches from Napoleon. He was kept prisoner until the despatches were passed from his bowels. Denby discovered a large egg-cup in the ileum of a man.

Fractures of the neck of the ileum can be recognized by manipulating the part through the walls of the rectum or vagina. The degree of lameness may vary. In some cases there may be no lameness when the animal walks, but a slight degree of lameness may be noticed when it trots.

It was unable to put the left hind leg to the ground, and at the upper tuberosity of the ileum some crepitus could be distinguished. I subtracted six ounces of blood, administered a physic-ball, and ordered the patient to be well fomented with warm water several times during the night. On the following day no wound could be discovered, but there was great tenderness. I continued the fomentation.

While now he draws the examining fingers over the abdomen in a straight line from the umbilicus to the anterior superior spine of the right ileum, he notices successively the character of the various structures as they come beneath and escape from the fingers passing over them.

The liver dullness below decreased;" "the pulmonary-liver border extended to the upper border of the fifth rib; on the right side of the abdomen between the navel and the anterior, superior spine of the ileum a circumscribed slight dullness was observed." "There was great nausea and burning thirst."

The remaining part of the small intestine is so long that it has to coil itself in many folds in order to find room in the narrow space of the abdominal cavity. It is divided into the jejunum above and the ileum below. In the last section of it is the part of the small intestine at which in the embryo the yelk-sac opens into the gut.

The ileum, 6, opens into the cecum, all of the bowel below the opening being cecum, the opening of the appendix, 3, is in the lower part of the cecum. The arterial supply to these parts is great enough to get them into trouble in those people who are imprudent eaters, and it is also great enough to save the parts when diseased if the patient has the proper treatment.

Fatal peritonitis ensued and the spoon was found impacted in the last acute turn of the duodenum. In 1895, in London, there was exhibited a specimen, including the end of the ileum with the adjacent end of the colon, showing a dessert spoon which was impacted in the latter. The spoon was seven inches long, and its bowl measured 1 1/2 inches across. There was much ulceration of the mucous membrane.

There was some question of an acute encephalitic lesion in the tissues lining the posterior half of the third ventricle. Patient was greatly emaciated and anemic from chronic ulcers of ileum. There was also cholelithiasis. There was a mild coronary atheroma and slight mitral valve edge thickening. The delusions expressed were those of great wealth. Patient also thought he was a great poet.

At the termination of the ileum the 'caecum' makes its appearance, with a kind of valvular opening into it, of such a nature that everything that passes along it having reached the blind or closed end, must return in order to escape; or rather the office of the caecum is to permit certain alimentary matters and all fluids to pass from the ileum, but to oppose their return.