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Of this species, the following is an example from the Phaedrus of Plato. It is inquired if the soul is immortal; and this being hypothetically admitted, it is inquired in the next place if it is always moved.

All but one of the trophies which we have hypothetically transferred to the Frenchman adorn a single volume out of twenty-two, in the Boston edition.

Such a transformation of a toxic stimulus in a particular organic stimulus we are already familiar with from other toxic products introduced into the body from without. To treat, if only hypothetically, the complexities of the pure toxic and the physiologic stimulations which result in the sexual processes is not now our appropriate task.

It is on such inductive truths, resting on the evidence of sense, that the Science of Number is based; and it is, therefore, like the other deductive sciences, an inductive science. It is also, like them, hypothetical. The sums of equals are equal; the differences of equals are equal. These axioms, and so-called definitions are themselves exactly, and not merely hypothetically, true.

Waterman. It is admittedly a delicate point. It is the matter of legal precedent. Granting everything you say is true and I'll grant that hypothetically for the purpose of this argument let's assume that James Holden ultimately finds his process suitable for public use. Now, happily to this date James had not broken any laws. He is an honorable individual.

Whither did they lead?" "To the Levee Road. No doubt they have returned towards the city. We need have no farther dependence on them." "Then I shall go to Bringiers at once?" This was put hypothetically. The proposal gave me pleasure. I wished him away. I wished to be alone with Aurore. "It would be as well," I assented, "if you do not deem it too early?"

Now all imperatives command either hypothetically or categorically. The categorical imperative would be that which represented an action as necessary of itself without reference to another end, i.e., as objectively necessary.

If he retracts! 'Hypothetically, No. 'But supposititiously? 'Certainly. 'Then we grasp hands on it. It's Malkin or nothing! said Mr. Sullivan Smith, swinging his heel moodily to wander in search of the foe. How one sane man could name another a donkey for fighting to clear an innocent young lady's reputation, passed his rational conception. Sir Lukin hastened to Mr.

Some sixty years after Dalton had established, purely hypothetically, the theory of the atomistic structure of matter, scientific research was led to the observation of actual atomistic phenomena. Crookes found electricity appearing in his tubes in the form of discrete particles, with properties hitherto known only as appertaining to mass.

'I am glad to hear that, said Merton. 'I had invented a theory, too stupid to repeat, and entirely demolished by the footmarks in the snow, a theory which hypothetically implicated your old housekeeper. To be sure it did not throw any doubt on her loyalty to the house, quite the reverse. 'What was your theory?