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"You are well aware, Dr. Huxtable, that his Grace is particularly anxious to avoid all public scandal. He prefers to take as few people as possible into his confidence." "The matter can be easily remedied," said the brow-beaten doctor; "Mr. Sherlock Holmes can return to London by the morning train." "Hardly that, Doctor, hardly that," said Holmes, in his blandest voice.

Bring him over here, and he will guide the police." I brought the peasant across, and Holmes dispatched the frightened man with a note to Dr. Huxtable. "Now, Watson," said he, "we have picked up two clues this morning. One is the bicycle with the Palmer tire, and we see what that has led to. The other is the bicycle with the patched Dunlop.

Beyond that the hills become precipitous. Surely it is here to the north that our quest must lie." "But the bicycle?" I persisted. "Well, well!" said Holmes, impatiently. "A good cyclist does not need a high road. The moor is intersected with paths, and the moon was at the full. Halloa! what is this?" There was an agitated knock at the door, and an instant afterwards Dr. Huxtable was in the room.

I'm not going to sit down quiet and have my rightful belongings taken from me." Edward Huxtable considered that he had done his duty in warning Joanna lots of lawyers wouldn't have troubled to do that and after all the old girl had heaps of money to lose. She might as well have her fun and he his fee. "Well, anyhow we'll go as far as the Commissioners.

Late at night I heard him consoling Dr. Huxtable, prostrated by the tragedy of his master's death, and later still he entered my room as alert and vigorous as he had been when he started in the morning. "All goes well, my friend," said he. "I promise that before to-morrow evening we shall have reached the solution of the mystery."

"A proper lot but I shan't let Edward Huxtable get any of it. If he wants his fees he'll just about have to bring another action." "Don't be a fool, Joanna you'll have to pay the costs if they've been given against you. You'll only land yourself in a worse hole by making a fuss." They were walking westward towards the theatres and the restaurants.

In the mean time Gerald was talking of Huxtable and Plumstead, the brother-in-law and cousin, who were both clergymen in the same district, and about the people in the village whom they had known when they were boys, and who never grew any older.

He sustained her suspicious scrutiny with every appearance of feeling highly gratified by it. "H, U, X Hux," said the captain, playfully turning to the old joke: "T, A ta, Huxta; B, L, E ble; Huxtable." "What do you know about Mr. Huxtable?" she asked. "What do you mean by mentioning him to me?" The captain's curly lip took a new twist upward.