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"Dear Aunt Faith! she is certainly the kindest aunt a graceless nephew ever had," said Hugh warmly. "That she is; I love her dearly, and I do mean to try not to vex her any more," said Bessie earnestly. "But, the horseback-riding, Bessie!" "But, the horseback-riding, Hugh!" The two offenders looked at each other a moment in silence, and then burst into a peal of laughter.

Horseback-riding and bicycling are, of course, forbidden, as are also golf, tennis, and dancing. Exercise. Exercise in the open air should be taken every day, when the weather is suitable, and walking is the best form of exercise. The amount will be regulated to some extent by what the woman has been accustomed to taking, and it should always stop short of fatigue.

Faustina still had her little social dissipations, but as she was not allowed to mix in affairs of State, her pink person was not a political factor. Marcus Aurelius was only seventeen years old: his close studies had robbed him of a bit of the robust health a youth should have. But horseback-riding and daily outdoor games finally got him back into good condition.

"Eighteen months later that is to say, on the 15th of February, 1837 he sold the sulky and bought a saddle said horseback-riding was what the doctor had always recommended HIM to take, and dog'd if he wanted to risk HIS neck going over those mountain roads on wheels in the dead of winter, not if he knew himself.

She had especially practiced horseback-riding there, of which she was fond. No permanent improvement, however, had followed, on her return to Salem in 1835. When Hawthorne came to know her, she was living a half-invalid life, taking her meals in her own room, which she had fitted up with artistic prettiness, and yet suffering the full transcendental tide of culture and emotion.

"Eighteen months later that is to say, on the 15th of February, 1837 he sold the sulky and bought a saddle said horseback-riding was what the doctor had always recommended HIM to take, and dog'd if he wanted to risk HIS neck going over those mountain roads on wheels in the dead of winter, not if he knew himself.

He remembered her in Philadelphia in her red cape as a school-girl in his father's house out horseback-riding, driving. What a splendid, loving girl she had been such a sweet fool of love. Could she really have decided not to worry about him any more? Could it be possible that she might find some one else who would be interested in her, and in whom she would take a keen interest?

This was in 1839. Some years later, a young American writer, who shall be nameless, but who was as passionate a lover of horses as the Queen herself, wrote a sort of paean to horseback-riding.

But I do take issue with him where he says: So light to the croupe the fair lady he swung, So light to the saddle before her he sprung! Even in childhood's hour I am sure I must have questioned the ability of Young Lochinvar to perform this achievement, for I was born and brought up in a horseback-riding country.

It seems incredible, this celerity of acquirement. It takes considerably longer than that to learn horseback-riding in the rough. Now it is true that I could have learned without a teacher, but it would have been risky for me, because of my natural clumsiness.