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Played over the faces of the servants, too, Mary and Laura just within the open door, Hordle and Conyers outside loading down the baggage from the back of the mail-phaeton, and on Patch, exalted high above them on the driving-seat.

In this somewhat ignominious method of reaching her objective Miss Verity, although more and more mystified, amiably acquiesced to be greeted, when Hordle throwing open the schoolroom door formally announced her, by a sound closely resembling a shriek.

With a bellow of rage, Hordle John squeezed him limp in his huge arms; and then, picking him up, cast him down upon the floor with a force which might well have splintered a bone or two, had not the archer with the most perfect coolness clung to the other's forearms to break his fall.

"We both suffered too much, we must never be separated again. And when we go abroad, we go alone. There is no one to give advice or interfere. We take Hordle, to pack and look after the baggage. We are always together, and I am always happy. I wish we could live like that always, with no settled home. But after a while, my father grows tired of hotels.

Hordle away, and Miss Bilson taking herself off to visit friends, too? From which Damaris gathered that, in the opinion of the servants' hall, Theresa's offence was rank, it stank to heaven.

And, if Henrietta would for the moment excuse her, she would go and order Hordle her father's man to see to the preparation of it himself. Foreign waiters, whatever their ability in other departments, have no natural understanding of a tea-pot and are liable to the weirdest ideas of cutting bread and butter.

You know him of old, and that he is like to be as good as his word." "Mort-Dieu! yes. But there are ale, mead, and wine in the buttery, and the steward a merry rogue, who will not haggle over a quart or two. Buvons, mon gar., for it is not every day that two old friends come together." The old soldiers and Hordle John strode off together in all good fellowship.

Hordle answered his summons, grey of countenance from alarm, anxiety, and broken rest. "Let Miss Damaris know I shall be glad to see her when she is free to come to me," he said.

She put her hands over her eyes, shrinking, frightened. Was it possible she loved Darcy Faircloth best? A knocking. Damaris slipped the letter into the pocket of her dress, and rising crossed the room and opened the door. Hordle stood in the pale spacious corridor without. He presented Marshall Wace's card. The gentleman, he said rather huffily, had called, bringing a message from Mrs.