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Ninety per cent of the mature women in our country become homemakers for a certain period, and probably over 90 per cent are assistant homemakers for another period of years before or after marriage. Any vocational counselor who fails to reckon first with the homemaking career of girls is therefore blind to the facts of life.

I've not been in this house it's more than a year. COUNTY ATTORNEY: And why was that? You didn't like her? MRS HALE: I liked her all well enough. Farmers' wives have their hands full, Mr Henderson. And then COUNTY ATTORNEY: Yes ? COUNTY ATTORNEY: No it's not cheerful. I shouldn't say she had the homemaking instinct. MRS HALE: Well, I don't know as Wright had, either.

"Very well," I said, with a show of spunk, "give me one single task, that I may not feel as if I had no part in the homemaking. Something as ornamental and frivolous as you choose, but that shall occupy me at least two hours a day!" Maria paused a moment; we were then standing in front of the fireplace, where a jar of bayberry filled the place of logs between the andirons.

Reduced to simplest terms, the conditions are these: if homes are to be made more serviceable tools for social betterment, women must make them what they ought to be. Consequently homemaking must continue to be woman's business the business of woman, if you like a considerable, recognized, and respected part of her "business of being a woman."

No one else can take their place in doing this. Hence it is their first duty to make homemaking seem worth while. The home must take the lead also in giving the idea of homemaking as a definite and scientific profession.

Stuart was one of those in whom the talent for homemaking and the talent for creative literary work existed side by side. The girl graduate of twenty, reinforced by from two to five years of work in the vocation she has chosen, is usually fit, physically and mentally, for marriage.

She will be not only the better woman, but the better worker, because of the very breadth of her vocational horizon. Training for homemaking, then, must go hand in hand with training for some phase of industrial life. Vocational guides must consider not only inclination and temperament, but physical condition and the supply and demand of the industrial world.

My point is simply this: If every other occupation in the world demands some previous preparation, why shouldn't a girl know something about housekeeping and homemaking before she undertakes it?" "But, my dear, you're not going to cook." "I am if I want to," announced Eloise, with authority. "And, anyhow, I'm going to know.

She may, or may not, enter upon the career for which she prepares. Marriage may often does interfere with the career, although nearly as often the career seems to interfere with marriage. Under the new alignment of ideals, there is less interest shown in homemaking and more in "the world's work," with a decided feeling that the two are entirely incompatible.

It may seem that the homemaking training here suggested for younger children is too desultory, too slight, in fact, to affect the situation much. But let us consider. Homemaking is an art, coming more and more to be based on a foundation of science.