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Criticism, assuming an authoritative tone, preferred Lafon to Talma. M. de Feletez signed himself A.; M. Hoffmann signed himself Z. Charles Nodier wrote Therese Aubert. Divorce was abolished. Lyceums called themselves colleges. The collegians, decorated on the collar with a golden fleur-de-lys, fought each other apropos of the King of Rome.

If Mr. Wernberg was implicated in German plots against the United States, certainly no man who sympathized with him would hate him as Karl Hoffmann plainly did. "We may come down and help you guard the factory to-night, Karl," said Bob. "You'll be there, won't you?" "Yes, I'll be there," said Karl. "I wish you wouldn't come though." "Why not!" "Suppose something should happen and you got hurt?"

I will try a walk. I would fain catch myself in good-humour with my task, but that will not be easy. May 7. Finished Hoffmann, talis qualis. I don't like it; but then I have been often displeased with things that have proved successful. Our own labours become disgusting in our eyes, from the ideas having been turned over and over in our own minds.

From Weber the conversation glided off on to poetry and romanticism, on to Hoffmann, whom every one was still reading at that time.

The musical takes on a supreme significance among the sensations, and music seemed the only art which was able to draw the soul of the man from his earth-bound habitation. Only in music did Hoffmann find the ability to make the Romantic escape from the homelessness of this existence to the all-embracing world of the unreal. But too often in his works does the unreal fail to satisfy the reader.

With his elbows on the table he sat between the two empty bottles, while spectres danced in the light of the unsnuffed candle spectres such as Hoffmann strews over his punch-drenched pages, like black, fantastic dust. Danglars alone was content and joyous he had got rid of an enemy and made his own situation on the Pharaon secure.

Wernberg. Because Karl Hoffmann was in love with her he told her lots of things, and it was in that way we got most of our information." "Pretty clever, eh?" exclaimed Sergeant Riley, approvingly. "There's another thing, Heinrich," said Mr. Cook. "Why wouldn't you read what was written on that paper tonight?" Heinrich looked sheepish. "I could not," he said.

Poe was also influenced by Hoffmann, but Poe's whole world is the supernatural, and where Hoffmann slips with fantastic but logical changes from the real to the unreal, Poe's metempsychosis is the real in his world and he has a deeper insight into the world of terror.

It was very soon made out that these yeast organisms, to which Turpin gave the name of Torula cerevisiae, were more nearly allied to the lower Fungi than to anything else. Indeed Turpin, and subsequently Berkeley and Hoffmann, believed that they had traced the development of the Torula into the well-known and very common mould the Penicillium glaucum.

To this the servant answered, ``Sir, he most certainly is not. Hoffmann then asked, ``Could you tell me where I might find him? She answered, ``Sir, you will find him at church, where YOU ought to be. My acquaintance with university men was not confined to Berlin; at Leipsic, Halle, Giessen, Heidelberg, and elsewhere, I also found delightful professorial circles.