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When on my way home I found myself in an American picture gallery, either in San Francisco, Chicago, Boston or New York, I lingered longest in the rooms where the coloured prints of the Japanese masters hang and America has very fine collections, particularly in Boston and I stood longest before those landscapes by Hokusai and Hiroshige in which Fuji occurs.

It is easy to detect the influence of Rowlandson and of Hiroshige and the other Japanese designers in the methods of these French artists of to-day, and there could be no better influences. Rowlandson's Dr.

The far end of the line of those keeping bivouac disappears into the distance, and the depths of the ranks behind them fade into the thick shadows. The flag, a little above the line, catches the light. One great tree overhead spreads its leafless half-lit arms through the gloom. Behind all this is unmitigated black. The composition reminds one of a Hiroshige study of midnight.

Thither we went, and were as nicely received as in a heimin residence. The pictures including a number of drawings by Hiroshige proved to be worth buying; and my friend then asked if we could have the pleasure of hearing the Daikoku-mai.

What was conscious effort in the beginning became unconscious in later centuries becomes almost automatic in the living man, becomes the art instinctive. Wherefore, one coloured print by a Hokusai or Hiroshige, originally sold for less than a cent, may have more real art in it than many a Western painting valued at more than the worth of a whole Japanese street.

He was not a scholarly boy, and he told lies in English, so that it is possible his tuition was of no value. I remember Bill was ironic because, when Nakamura was dismissed in ignominy, and wrote on the kitchen wall for the benefit of his successor, I was unable to decipher the message. "Do you care for this sort of thing?" said Mac. "That's original," pointing to a fine Hiroshige.