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To multitudes of men and women the lure of levers, cranks, wheels and pinions is as seductive, as insidious, as heavenly in its promises, and as hellish in its performances, as the opium habit. The craving for opium, however, is an acquired taste, while the passion for machinery is born in thousands.

Oh! that terrible time of waiting; with the sun beating mercilessly down upon their uncovered heads and scorching up their brains; with the hellish tortures of hunger and thirst, already unendurable, momentarily increasing in intensity; with a horrible feeling of deadly weakness fast paralysing their energies and dragging like leaden weights upon their aching limbs, what wonder that each moment lagged until it seemed an hour, each minute a day, and that the hours stretched themselves out into eternities of overwhelming anguish!

With yellings, howlings, shrieks, and cries, And other doleful noise, With trembling hearts and failing eyes, These are their hellish joys. 55. These angels black they would obey, And serve with greedy mind, And take delight to go astray, That pleasure they might find. 56.

"I am," returned the owner of that name. "And do you be good enough to tell me why you hound me with your hellish threats." "That is not William Robinson's voice!" said the blind man. "Who are you?" "William H. Robinson." "Not William Honeywell Robinson!" "No; William Hunter Robinson." "Then why am I brought here?"

In short, I found the Waldoria Hotel to be a sort of a heavenly place, infested principally by hellish beings-a welcome nest for people with money but a very unwelcome place for persons who had none. It made absolutely no difference how people got their money as long as they had it.

Wails of pain and shouts of victory, the blare of trumpets, the crash of shattered ships and falling masts blended in hellish uproar. The sun's light was obscured, but the gigantic frames of huge burning galleys served for torches to light the combatants. When twilight closed in, the Christians had gained a decisive victory.

These positions were in advance of the Hohenzollern redoubt which our troops were to attack. It was not an easy task. It was hellish.

I have fought the good fight for years, but I'm always powdered. Sometimes the crafty foe dissembles. He pretends that he is not going to powder me up. But all of a sudden when my back is turned, as it were, he grabs up his powder swab and makes a quick swoop upon me and the hellish deed is done.

With infernal ingenuity, the Dead Man had arrayed the skeletons in fanciful costumes, which had been plundered from the wardrobe of a theatre; and placed them in the most absurd and indecent positions his hellish fancy could devise. The large skeleton, which seemed to preside over the others, was the remains of a former Captain of the band, celebrated for his many villainies and gigantic stature.

Something in their attitude gave Mazarine apprehension. It was as though Li Choo had been transformed by some hellish magic into two other Chinamen. The rage of his being seemed to stupefy him; he could not resist the sensation of the unnatural. "What do you want? How did you come here?" he asked of the two in a husky voice. "We want speak Li Choo.