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"Seems to me I ain't got it just exactly right. You-all said...?" He hung with painful expectancy on Nathaniel Letton's utterance. "I said you were under a misapprehension, Mr. Harnish, that was all. You have been stock gambling, and you have been hard hit. But neither Ward Valley, nor I, nor my associates, feel that we owe you anything."

He had ante'd his life for a dozen years, and forty thousand was a small pot for such a stake the price of a drink and a dance at the Tivoli, of a winter's flutter at Circle City, and a grubstake for the year to come. The men of the Yukon reversed the old maxim till it read: hard come, easy go. At the end of the reel, Elam Harnish called the house up to drink again.

Harnish, after having experience with being married to that old fat money-bags, do you-all mind marrying a slim young fellow like me? And you'll just wipe a tear away for poor old Daylight, and kind of lean toward me with a willing expression in your eye, and then I'll blush maybe some, being a young fellow, and put my arm around you, like that, and then why, then I'll up and marry my brother's widow, and go out and do the chores while she's cooking a bite to eat."

The man was a bigger fool than they had imagined, or else he was playing a game which they could not divine. Nathaniel Letton moistened his lips and spoke up. "It will take some hours yet, Mr. Harnish, before the full accounting can be made. Mr. Howison is at work upon it now. We ah as you say, it has been a gratifying clean-up. Suppose we have lunch together and talk it over.

"Me an' Rube wants tab gib somethin' ter spress our 'gratulatins ter Miss Betsy an' Marse Ab; so we presents dese ax-handles whut we'se made oursel's, an' dis bowl whut we'se hollered outen a ash-tree fur a nice bread-tray; an' we wishes you bofe much joy in de road you'se dis day sotten out on in double harnish."