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I know the hand-writing of the young man he accuses, and though the manuscript of the two letters is a very good imitation of his, yet it is not the same. Beside, I do not believe him capable of such an act." "Why, then, is the daughter gone?" "I believe she has been kidnapped!" "Kidnapped!" "Yes, I do!" "But who would do it? Who would dare to do it!" "Who so likely as the true lover's rival?"

From some scattered hints in his writings it appears that his doctrine of the circulation was first advanced in his lectures at the college about four years afterward; and a note-book in his own hand-writing is still preserved at the British Museum, in which the principal arguments by which it is substantiated are briefly set down, as if for reference in the lecture-room.

The inn-doors are thronged with waiters anxiously looking for the expected arrivals; and the numerous bills which are wafered up in the windows of private houses, intimating that there are beds to let within, give the streets a very animated and cheerful appearance, the wafers being of a great variety of colours, and the monotony of printed inscriptions being relieved by every possible size and style of hand-writing.

But these other finer drawn characters had taken longer to write. He did not know the instrument, but he read the hand-writing, and came to his own resolutions therefrom. Yet if not untroubled she had remained unspotted by the world; that was as clear as the other.

He, however, enclosed two notes for Egmont, of which Margaret was to deliver that one, which, in her opinion, was, under the circumstances, the best. In one of these missives the King cordially accepted, and in the other he politely declined Egmont's recent offer to visit Spain. He also forwarded a private letter in his own hand-writing to the Cardinal.

He took up one of the books lying on the table; it was the Paradiso of Dante, in the proper old Italian binding of white vellum and gold; by it lay a dictionary, and some words copied out in Margaret's hand-writing. They were a dull list of words, but somehow he liked looking at them. He put them down with a sigh. 'The living is evidently as small as she said.

But when she came to look further, she found all through the book, on the margin, or at the bottom of the leaves, in John's beautiful hand-writing, a great many notes; simple, short, plain, exactly what was needed to open the whole book to her, and make it of the greatest possible use and pleasure.

'The slip of paper and the other pieces of Johnson's hand-writing' have been lost. At all events they are not in the Bodleian. Let me not be censured for this digression as pedantic or paradoxical; for if I have Milton against me, I have Socrates on my side.

The lad took it up, and exclaimed: "One of Chiquita's shoes! a left hind shoe!" "How do you know?" I asked. "Private Sattler always shaped the heel of the left shoe like this, to correct a fault in her gait." "May I look at the shoe, sergeant?" asked Corporal Duffey, approaching from the group of men near the guard's fire. "Shoes are like hand-writing no two blacksmiths make them alike.

I must learn to ape their contempt of all and every terrene object, motive, and respect! Inclose the strange paper I sent you and return it in your next. I sent it in her own hand-writing, that your eyes might have full conviction. I took a copy of it, but I have since recollected I may want the original.