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"If I told him he was going to the dogs he'd tell me to go to the devil. No, one of you army men must do it. He'll listen to you." Young Captain Haldane of the cavalry was at the table; he was visiting Panama on leave as a tourist. The chief turned to him. "Haldane's the man," he said. "You're his friend and you're his junior in rank, so what you say won't sound official.

So oppressed was Haldane he found himself walking softly and mounting the steps of the piazza with a silent tread, as if he were in truth approaching the majesty of death.

But before Laura could say to Mr. Beaumont that which she felt she must, and yet which she dreaded, for his sake, to speak, a social earthquake took place in Hillaton. Mr. Arnot was arrested! But for the promptness of his friends to give bail for his appearance, he would have been taken from his private office to prison as poor Haldane had been years before.

The year previous Haldane had buried himself among the mountains of Maine, but he resolved to spend much of the present summer in the city of New York, studying such works of art as were within his reach, haunting the cool, quiet libraries, and visiting the hospitals, giving to the last, as a medical student, the most of his time.

When he arrived at Las Palmas, although the morning was well advanced toward noon, he found Aintree still under his mosquito bars and awake only to command a drink. The situation furnished Haldane with his text.

Britain resolved to remove this apprehension. Accordingly in 1912 Lord Haldane was sent to Germany with a formal and definite statement, authorised by the Cabinet, to the effect that Britain had made no alliance or understanding which was aimed against Germany, and had no intention of doing so.

Beaumont, as he entered, and he now greeted them with a quiet bow; but Laura came and gave him her hand, saying: "We did not expect you to return so soon, Mr. Haldane." "After hearing that Mrs. Arnot was ill I could not rest till I had seen her, and I received her note only this morning." He now saw that both Laura's eyes and Mrs. Arnot's were red with weeping.

This study was, indeed, a quiet nook a little, slowly moving eddy left far behind by the dashing, foaming current of modern life; and Haldane felt impressed that he had found the hallowed place, the true Bethel, where his soul might be born anew. "The body of my sermon is finished; may the Lord breathe into it the breath of life!" ejaculated Dr. Marks, leaning back in his chair.

On that stormy July evening when she gave Haldane a little private concert she had obtained a glimpse of a manhood unknown to her before, and it was full of pleasing suggestion.

Besides, the world shows a tendency to detest weak fools even more than knaves. After his last bitter experience Haldane felt unwilling to venture to another hotel, and he endeavored to find a quiet boarding-place; but as soon as he mentioned his name, the keepers, male and female, suddenly discovered that they had no rooms.