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"The police never get anybody," said Farwell, pessimistically; for the change of topic bored him. "No, I suppose they don't," answered Mr. Shorter, cheerfully finishing his chartreuse, and fixing his eye on one of the coloured lithographs of lean horses on Cecil Grainger's wall. "I'd talk to Hugh, if I wasn't as much afraid of him as of Jim Jeffries. I don't want to see him ruin her career."

Refusing to be carried, Scott dragged himself up the bank, and then allowed them to lift him on Euchre's back, Grainger riding and Jacky walking beside him. By the time they reached the camp it was broad daylight, and an alarmed look came into Grainger's eyes when there was no response to his loud Coo-ee! thrice repeated.

"Do you ever take any one's advice?" she said, venturing to look up. "Yes, certainly," he answered, "when it agrees with my own inclination. Who ever does any more than that?" They had now got a good bit away from land. "Skipper," said Trelyon to Mr. Grainger's man, "we'll put her about now and let her drift.

The fellow, one of his best farm hands, had behaved infamously, first of all demanding preposterous wages, and then, just because Mr. Waddington had refused to be brow-beaten, leaving his service for Colonel Grainger's. Colonel Grainger had behaved infamously, buying Foss Bank with the money he had made in high explosives, and then letting fly his confounded Socialism all over the county.

These reflections resulted in another after-dinner conversation to which we are not supposed to listen. He found Jerry Shorter in a receptive mood, and drew him into Cecil Grainger's study, where this latter gentleman, when awake, carried on his lifework of keeping a record of prize winners. "I believe there is something between Mrs. Spence and Hugh Chiltern, after all, Jerry," he said.