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"Yaas, sah, livin' on game an' fish. Sah? "Yaas, sah. "But they espress they doubts that the Gove'ment ain't goin' to give 'em no fahms, an' they like to comprise with you, Gen'l, ef you please, sah, to git holt o' some fahms o' they own, you know; sawt o' payin' faw'm bes' way they kin; yass, sah. As you say in yo' letteh, betteh give 'm lan's than keep 'em vagabones; yass, sir.

"If it was all in gold, now," said Honeycutt hurriedly. King made no reference to Honeycutt's murderous intent. "That paper is the same thing as gold," he said. "The government backs it up." "I know, I know. But what's a gove'ment? They go busted, don't they, sometimes? Same as folks? Gold don't go busted. There ain't nothin' else like gold. You can tie to it.

Old Mullen'll likely make a roar but that's most all gove'ment land he's got fenced, so I guess I can calm him down. Will yuh go near the ranch?" "I think so," said Rowdy. "It will be the shortest way." "Well, I'll give yuh some blank checks, an' you can load up with grub and anything else yuh need. I'll be over there by the time you are, and fix up that duty business.

As lots ob de sailors went ashoah fur 'sertion as well as fur 'musement, de navay people winked dere lef' eye at de tricks ob ole Tom. After a while de sailors got to belibe dat he wah under de pay ob de gove'ment, an' many a red-hot cannon ball ware sec'etly dropped ober de side to Tom, yafter firs' temptin' him wid nice pieces ob salt junk.