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And the Cid made answer that he was well pleased it should be so, and that he should do battle with Ferrando Gonzalez the eldest; and upon that Pero Bermudez kissed his hand. Then Martin Antolinez of Burgos rose and besought the Cid that he might be another, and the Cid granted his desire, and said that he should do battle with Diego Gonzalez the younger brother.

And then Muno Gustioz of Linquella rose and besought the Cid that he might be the third, and the Cid granted it, and appointed him to do battle with Count Suero Gonzalez.

Rodriguez made his grateful farewell to the wife of the smith: then, turning to Gonzalez, he pointed to the two tired horses which had waited all the while with their reins thrown over a hook on the wall. "Let the owner of these have them till his own come back," he said, and added: "How far may I take these?" "They are good horses," said the smith. "Yes," said Rodriguez.

Soto Mayor was still in his grange in the territory under the cacique's authority, but having received the confirmation of the approaching danger from Gonzalez, he now resolved at once to place himself at the head of his men in the Aguáda settlement.

"What she says is like gold. It won't be said on my account that there are no brave men here, for if I am not with the Aceros it is only because I have a wife and three children, and if any thing was to happen if it wasn't for that " "But haven't you given your word to the governor, too?" said Dona Perfecta. "To the governor?" cried the man named Frasquito Gonzalez.

XXV. When the Infantes of Carrion, Diego Gonzalez and Ferrando Gonzalez, saw the noble present which the Cid had sent unto the King, and heard how his riches and power daily increased, and thought what his wealth must needs be when he had given those horses out of the fifth of one battle, and moreover that he was Lord of Valencia: they spake one with the other, and agreed, that if the Cid would give them his daughters to wife, they should be well married, and become rich and honourable.

Who can tell the great dole and sorrow of Count Gonzalo Gonzalez for his sons the Infantes of Carrion, because they had to do battle this day! and in the fullness of his heart he curst the day and the hour in which he was born, for his heart divined the sorrow which he was to have for his children. Great was the multitude which was assembled from all Spain to behold this battle.

While he was arming himself Rodrigo came up and took the horse of Alvar Fanez, and entered the lists; Don Martin Gonzalez did the same, and the judges placed them fairly, each in his place, so that neither should have the sun in his eyes.

The council of ministers took charge of the government and held an election at which Ulises F. Espaillat was designated president. He entered upon office on April 29, 1876, and as he was an excellent man would have given a good account of himself under different conditions; but General Gonzalez started a revolution on the Haitian frontier, and on October 5, 1876, Espaillat was ousted.

He took his journey from Nuevo Reyno de Granada, where he dwelt, having the inheritance of Gonzalez Ximenes in those parts; he was followed with 700 horse, he drove with him 1,000 head of cattle, he had also many women, Indians, and slaves.