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"And you're not Miss Frost?" "One of them scrawny I beg pardon, sir! Did you think I was " "Well, if that's the case, I can tell you what I said a moment ago. I said 'D n it all! Where am I?" "At Mr. Gladding's, sir." "Is Sago upstairs?" "No, sir; they've gone to the matinee on their wedding trip, Mr. Hamshaw." "Oh!" It was not what Mr. Hamshaw said but the way he said it.

Gladding's two grown-up sons were shuffled off to bachelor quarters downtown and their rooms were turned over to Mrs. Gladding's two grown-up daughters just out in society. The transfer was over at last, and, to the intense gratification of Mr.

It was a cause of special gratulation to him, which he realized more sensibly in the darkness than by day, that assistance so important as Gladding's had been secured, and that without additional expense. He was confident now of an easy victory.

A general shout of laughter greeted this speech of Gladding's, and there were exclamations of "Well said, Tom," and "He had him, there," and "Who would have thought that of Davenport?" The unfortunate victim glared, with fury in his eyes, at Tom, who, interpreting his looks to suit himself, cried "He's coming, Squire, to speak for himself."

"Do you mean to proceed no further with your chopping?" inquired Armstrong. "Not at present. All has been done that I desired, and I ought to respect Gladding's conscientious scruples." Armstrong looked inquiringly from one to the other, but asked no question. The hospitable invitation of Mr. and Mrs.

Here was he, Constable Basset, required and commanded, "by authority of the State of Connecticut," to arrest a man of the most violent character, "for," said Basset to himself, "he must be a dangerous fellow, else how would he venture to insult a whole conference? Tom Gladding's more'n half right, and I must look sharp."