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"H'm!" sniffed Freeman, sceptically, yet impressed by the change In Gilmartin's attitude from the money-borrowing humility of the previous week to the confident tone of a man with a straight tip. Sharpe was notoriously kind to his old friends rich or poor. "I was there when the papers were signed," Gilmartin said, hotly. "I was going to leave the room, but Sam told me I needn't.

This time the slump was really unexpected by all, even by the magnates the mysterious and all-powerful "they" of Freeman's so that the loss of the second fortune did not reflect on Gilmartin's ability as a speculator, but on his luck. As a matter of fact, he had been too careful and had sinned from over-timidity at first, only to plunge later and lose all.

In less than five minutes Smithers was so wrought up that he bought 500 shares and promised solemnly not to "take his profits," s. o. sell out, until Gilmartin said the word. Then they had another drink and another look at the ticker. "You want to keep in touch with me," was Gilmartin's parting shot. "I'll tell you what Sharpe tells me.

That was more than Gilmartin had made; but having exaggerated, he immediately felt very kindly disposed toward the Connecticut man. "Whew!" whistled Hopkins, admiringly. Gilmartin experienced a great tenderness toward him. The lie was made stingless by the customer's credulity. This brought a smile of subtle relief to Gilmartin's lips.

He took his savings and bought one hundred shares of Pennsylvania Central at 64, and began to neglect his business in order to study the financial pages of the newspapers. Little by little Gilmartin's whisper set in motion within him the wheels of a ticker that printed on his day-dreams the mark of the dollar.

It wasn't Gilmartin's fault, but Rossiter's bad luck. At length, failing to get enough clients in the ticker district itself, Gilmartin was forced to advertise in an afternoon paper, six times a week, and in the Sunday edition of one of the leading morning dailies. They ran like this: WE MAKE MONEY for our Investors by the best system ever devised. Deal with genuine experts.

Jameson, looking crustier than ever, as though he were forever thinking how much better than Jenkins he could run the business; Danny, some inches taller, no longer an office boy, but spick and span in a blue serge suit and a necktie of the latest style, exhaling health and correctness; Williamson, grown very gray and showing on his face thirty years of routine; Baldwin, happy as of yore at the ending of the day's work, and smiling at the words of Jenkins Gilmartin's successor, who wore an air of authority, of the habit of command which he had not known in the old days.