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It must have been a long time since the prince of gambusinos had found an opportunity to exercise the subtle talent of which his companion spoke or else the cards had been of late unlucky for his outward man presented an appearance that was scarcely more than comfortable. In reaching his hand to his hat, it was not necessary for him to disarrange the folds of his cloak.

Avarice stimulated by their wonderful stories, and often too by the sight of real treasure brought in from the desert for the expeditions of the gambusinos do not always prove failures avarice thus tempted, is ready to listen to the voice of some adventurous leader, who preaches a crusade of conquest and exploration.

"And this Arellanos do you think, he has not revealed this secret to any one besides yourself?" "You must know," replied Cuchillo, "that it is a custom of the gambusinos, before starting upon any expedition, to swear before the Holy Evangelists not to reveal the bonanzas they may find without the consent of their associates.

This example will, for a while, damp the ardour for such pursuits. But the disaster is soon forgotten; fresh stories of the gambusinos produce new dreams of wealth; and another band of adventurers is easily collected.

"The thirst of gold has caught you also, Pedro Diaz?" asked Don Augustin, smiling significantly. "No, thank God!" replied Diaz, "nothing of the sort. Heave the searching for gold to experienced gambusinos, such as the Senor Oroche here. No you know well that I have no other passion than hatred for the ferocious savages who have done so much ill towards me and mine.

There is a class of persons in Sonora, who follow no other business than searching for gold placers or silver mines, and whose only knowledge consists of a little practical acquaintance with metallurgy. These men are called gambusinos.

"Before answering you, Senor Don Augustin, permit me to introduce to you the king of gambusinos and prince of musicians, the Senor Don Diego Oroche, who scents a placer of gold as a hound would a deer, and who plays upon the mandolin as only he can play." The individual presented under the name of Oroche, solemnly saluted the haciendado.

These gambusinos are to mining industry, what the backwoodsmen are to agriculture and commerce. They are its pioneers.