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Not on perishable stone, but in the minds of the ancient judges, and in the developing ethical consciousness of the Israelitish race, he inscribed the principles of which the laws are the practical expression. If he had not revealed them, there would have been no progress in the knowledge of justice and mercy. The thesis of the Old Testament, and of Hammurabi also, is fundamentally true.

Moreover, this discussion about ten million people has produced an effect upon them, and the negroes are beginning to feel that they constitute a problem. Differing attitudes toward the negro generally arise from fundamentally different postulates.

I have made this outline of our negro problem in no spirit of pessimism or of prejudice, but in the belief that the only way to remedy an evil or a difficulty is candidly and fundamentally to understand it. Two things are evident: First, the negro population is certain to increase in the United States, in a ratio at least equal to that of the whites. Second, the South needs its labor.

He became an optimist and mentally made Ellen all sorts of costly presents. It was all fundamentally so simple it was only a misunderstanding nothing more! He must speak to her, and she would see at once what a happy life they were going to live if only they held out. Silence had filled her with resentment. Fortune! Fortune!

"And I noticed the use of the word 'rule, instead of 'reign." "That's right," the self-proclaimed Prince-Protector said. "There's something wrong with democracy. If there weren't, it couldn't be overthrown by people like Makann, attacking it from within by democratic procedures. I don't think it's fundamentally unworkable. I think it just has a few of what engineers call bugs.

Violations of good taste, manners, morals, illegalities, wrongs, crimes they are all fundamentally the same thing, the insistence on one's own will in defiance of society as a whole. The man who keeps his hat on in a drawing-room is essentially a criminal because he prefers his own way of doing things to that adopted by his fellows." "That's all right," answered Tutt. "But how about progress?"

Yes, this dream, which has its origin far back in the dawn of Christianity, is fundamentally the same as the Pauline anacefaleosis, the fusion of all men in Man, in the whole of Humanity embodied in a Person, who is Christ, and the fusion not only of all men but of all things, and the subsequent subjection of all things to God, in order that God, Consciousness, may be all in all.

He was tired and depressed, and his fine face looked drawn. But he roused and smiled across at her. He had begun to have a feeling that he must make up to Natalie for something he hardly knew for what. "Known what, dear?" "About Chris and Audrey?" He was fundamentally honest, so he answered her directly. "Since the day Chris left." "When was that?" "The day we dined there." "And Audrey told you?"

The attitude of a character must be necessary in itself: that is, it must be true to the great and general laws of life. If it is fundamentally false, even with the longest and completest preparation, it rings hollow. We cannot completely enter into it.

To subordinate the soul fundamentally to society or the individual to the state is sheer barbarism: the Greeks, sometimes invoked to support this form of idolatry, were never guilty of it; on the contrary, their lawgivers were always reforming and planning the state so that the soul might be perfect in it.