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Now to examine more closely the actual motives given by those authorities and by later, critical writers, for attributing the guilt to Cesare. In September of the year 1497, the Pope had dissolved the marriage of his daughter Lucrezia and Giovanni Sforza, and the grounds for the dissolution were that the husband was impotens et frigidus natura admitted by himself.

Victory at one time seemed even to be on the side of Arbogastes: Theodosius was obliged to retire to the hills on the confines of Italy, apparently subdued, when, in the utmost extremity of danger, a desertion of troops from the army of the triumphant barbarian again gave him the advantage, and the bloody and desperate battle on the banks of the Frigidus re-established Theodosius as the supreme ruler of the world.

A third class of monks finds mention, those in whom "Frigidus obstiterit circum praecordia sanguis," quotes the founder. In other words, the hopelessly stupid. For these there was labour in the garden, and to console them Cassiodorus recites from a Psalm: "Thou shalt eat the labour of thy hands; happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee."

There were said to be four qualities of touch, calidus, humidus, frigidus, et siccus, or hot, cold, moist, and dry, according to which persons were active or passive in the exercise of the fascinum.

He descended from the hills, and beheld, with some astonishment, the formidable camp of the Gauls and Germans, that covered with arms and tents the open country which extends to the walls of Aquileia, and the banks of the Frigidus, or Cold River.

From the Preface to the Complete Works . Text according to the Berlin Edition of the Buchwald and others, Vol. I, pp. xi ff. Evidently a play on the Latin frigidus, often used in the sense of "trivial" or "silly"; so Luther refers to the "frigida decreta Paperum" in his Propositions for the Leipzipg Disputation . i. e. Frivolous mockers at holy things.

Men have no right to what is not reasonable, and to what is not for their benefit; for though a pleasant writer said, "Liceat perire poetis," when one of them, in cold blood, is said to have leaped into the flames of a volcanic revolution, "ardentem frigidus Ætnam insiluit," I consider such a frolic rather as an unjustifiable poetic license than as one of the franchises of Parnassus; and whether he were poet, or divine, or politician, that chose to exercise this kind of right, I think that more wise, because more charitable, thoughts would urge me rather to save the man than to preserve his brazen slippers as the monuments of his folly.

According to one story he gave a great feast to his friends and offered a sacrifice; then when his friends went to rest he disappeared, and was no more seen. According to a story less dignified and better known Deus immortalis haberi Dum cupit Empedocles, ardentem frigidus Aetnam Insiluit. HOR. Ad Pisones, 464 sqq. "Eager to be deemed a god, Empedocles coldly threw himself in burning Etna."