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The boy will be hungry as a hunter after his ride. And George, what brings you home? We were just telling each other your mother and I that you were in the height of the city's follies." "Indeed, sir, there will be few follies for some days. Mr. Franklin is dead, and the city goes into mourning."

Franklin sailed for London, but the promised letters were never sent; and he found himself, on his arrival in England, thrown entirely on his own resources. Having soon obtained employment, he exhibited to his fellow-workmen an edifying example of industry and temperance, by which many of them profited.

I am thinking what a pity it is that the Americans should have chosen this tyrant-bird as the emblem of their liberty; for, although he is most appropriate for one portion of their people, he is far from being a fit emblem of the principles of the great republic. So thought the wise Franklin.

They were rung muffled in times of public disaster and were kept busy in that way in the French and Indian wars. They were also rung muffled for Franklin when it was learned that while in London he had favored the Stamp Act a means of expressing popular opinion which the newspapers subsequently put out of date.

Every idea that Paine had expressed was held by Franklin and had been thought out at length. Franklin was thirty-one years older than Paine, and time had tempered his zeal, and beside that, his tongue was always well under control, and when he expressed heresy he seasoned it with a smile and a dash of wit that took the bitterness out of it.

He did not handle as much mail in a whole year as passes now through the Philadelphia post-office in a single hour. Here are some of the rules of life which Franklin made for himself when he was a very young man: 1. To live very frugally till he had paid all that he owed. To speak the truth at all times; to be sincere in word and action.

The squatty little two and a half story houses with picturesque doorways and dormer windows have become the homes of numerous clubs representing the best art interests of the city. Poor Richard Club, Plastic Club, Sketch Club, Coin d'Or and Franklin Inn are among the names to be seen painted on the signs beside the doors.

In the proposition, Franklin was not born in England, the fact expressed by the words born in England is denied of the man Franklin. Every proposition consists of three parts: the Subject, the Predicate, and the Copula. The predicate is the name denoting that which is affirmed or denied. The subject is the name denoting the person or thing which something is affirmed or denied of.

Franklin, in compliance with his instructions, took two days to get into position, but when his two corps had reached the place assigned them on the old Richmond Road, with the aid of Smith and Reynolds, he looked over the ground and made up his mind that the only chance of victory was offered by an assault upon the enemy's right center, with the full force of his two corps, amounting to 40,000 men.

One thing was accomplished, however, when the Pennsylvania Assembly passed a Quaker militia law which is one of the most curious legal documents of its kind in history. It was most aptly worded, drafted by the master hand of Franklin.