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Dependency has become the one enduring heirloom, passed from one generation to the next, of too many fragmented families. It is time this may be the most radical thing I've said in 7 years in this office it's time for Washington to show a little humility. There are a thousand sparks of genius in 50 States and a thousand communities around the Nation.

We also established the first refugee coordination office in the Department of State under the leadership of a special ambassador and coordinator for refugee affairs and programs. The new legislation and the coordinator's office will bring common sense and consolidation to our Nation's previously fragmented, inconsistent, and in many ways, outdated, refugee and immigration policies.

Attrition, fatigue, a yearning for stability, a willingness to compromise are all provoked and enhanced to the acutest level by bloodshed and atrocities. It is an inevitable phase. The road to peace is bloodied. The Balkan has never been as politically fragmented as it is today. It has never been under the auspices of only one superpower. These are destabilizing facts.

Challenges which would have been overcome at an earlier age, or been turned into opportunities for exploration and achievement, become insuperable barriers. Religion loses its relevance, and experimentation becomes increasingly fragmented, further deepening social divisions. Increasingly, uncertainty about the meaning and value of life generates anxiety and confusion.

Together with the joints, this is the only medicine devised to rebreak the strangely concocted pieces that have been glued into the broken you. Drink and smoke! Become fragmented again with the hope that you will heal and be normal. A 17 year old girl goes to eat a meal in her boyfriend's home and a wife to her in-laws. How is it that such simple pleasures continually elude you?

If life can be fragmented into "physical," "mental," "emotional," "energetic," "spiritual," and "creative" it must be evident that the western way has smothered life's more significant aspects under a blanket of trivialities, non-essentials and inconsequentials. Western civilization has stressed competition, aimed at the acquisition and accumulation of material goods and services.

To avoid fragmented, inconsistent and duplicative enforcement of civil rights laws, three agencies have been given coordinative and standard-setting responsibilities in discrete areas: EEOC for all employment-related activities, HUD for all those relating to housing, and the Department of Justice for all other areas.

In every instance of which history provides a legible record, centralized, universalized institutions and practices have fragmented into diversity and stubborn localism. Western civilization is part and parcel of this generalization.

Dependency has become the one enduring heirloom, passed from one generation to the next, of too many fragmented families. It is time this may be the most radical thing I've said in 7 years in this office it's time for Washington to show a little humility. There are a thousand sparks of genius in 50 States and a thousand communities around the Nation.

Upset by one or another of these disturbing and disruptive forces, civilized populations have panicked and retreated from their collectiveness toward more localized, more fragmented, less social and more individual life patterns. Such a retreat rounds out the later phases of a cycle of civilization the phases of decline and final dissolution.