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But by 1844 what was left of the place had become a brewery, and to-day there remains scarcely more than a great fourteenth century gateway and hall, the work of Abbot Fyndon in 1300. Of the church there is left a few fragments of walling, of St Augustine's tomb, nothing whatsoever. Less still remains to us of the smaller religious houses that abounded in Canterbury.

This narrative of Fray Marcos is taken, in the main, from George Parker Winship's introduction to his translation of Castaneda's narrative, published in the fourteenth annual report of the United States Bureau of Ethnology. This friar was born in Nice, then a part of Savoy, and he came to America about the year 1531.

"When you have waited twenty years for a young lady, twenty minutes more or less do not matter." "They would to me!" Quin declared emphatically. "When is the wedding to be?" "On the fourteenth. And that reminds me" Mr. Chester ran his arm confidentially through Quin's and tried to catch step. "I want to ask a favor of you."

What evidence there is points to Nunfield Farm at Chesley, about a mile to the south of the high road. Newington itself in its cherry-orchards is a pretty place enough to- day, with an interesting, if restored, church of Our Lady in part of the thirteenth, but mainly of the fourteenth century.

In the first year of the fourteenth century, the Gothic Ducal Palace of Venice was begun; and as the Byzantine Palace was, in its foundation, coeval with that of the state, so the Gothic Palace was, in its foundation, coeval with that of the aristocratic power.

Thus planted in the fourteenth century beyond the confines of the city, and within easy access of Westminster Hall, the Inns of Court and Chancery formed an university, which soon became almost as powerful and famous as either Oxford or Cambridge.

The Knight gripped the cloak and moved a step further back into the shadow. Twelve Were all the pillars rocking? Was the great new Cathedral coming down upon his head? Thirteen The Prioress was beside him in the shadow. She had stepped aside. The twelfth White Lady was moving on, her back toward them. The fourteenth was shuffling down, but had not yet appeared.

Harle speaks of a child, the youngest of three girls, who had a bloody discharge at the age of five months which lasted three days and recurred every month until the child was weaned at the tenth month. At the eleventh month it returned and continued periodically until death, occasioned by diarrhea at the fourteenth month.

"The dear Count's wedding," announces the chairwoman, "you will all be pleased to hear, has been fixed for the fourteenth, at eleven o'clock in the morning. The entire village will be assembled at ten- thirty to await the return of the bridal cortege from the church, and offer its felicitations. Married ladies, will, of course, come accompanied by their husbands.

The morning of the fourteenth dawned bright and clear, but as Cardo threw up his window and looked over the shining waters of the bay he saw that on the horizon gray streaky clouds were rising, and spreading fan-like upwards from one point, denoting to his long-accustomed eye that a storm was brewing. "Well! it is September," he thought, "and we must expect gales."