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As an example of this, it is well known that salt water freezes at a lower temperature than fresh water, and hence sea-water may be quite liquid while rivers and ponds are covered with ice. Again, it is noticed that mixtures of salts often have a fusing-point lower than that of either of the constituent salts, and of this fact we often take advantage in fluxing operations.

Himself a live thing, solid and substantial, possessed of weight and dimension, a reality incontrovertible, he moved through the space and place of being, concrete, hard, quick, convincing, an absoluteness of something surrounded by the shades and shadows of the fluxing phantasmagoria of nothing. He took his worlds one by one.

But a world in which every individual possessed the power of concreting or fluxing matter at his own sweet will irrespective of any universal coordinating principle is altogether inconceivable the conflict of wills would prevent such a world remaining in existence.

Where, now, are the forty great wagons in the circle at Nephi, and all the men and women and children and lean cattle that sheltered inside that circle? All such things no longer are, for they were forms, manifestations of fluxing matter ere they melted into the flux again. They have passed and are not. And now my argument becomes plain. The spirit is the reality that endures.

From the irregularity of the results, and the frequent failure of the crucibles, he came to the conclusion that either his furnace, or his mode of fluxing, was in fault, and he looked about him for a more convenient means of pursuing his experiments.

I should think it a nobler and less nauseous employment to be one of the staff-officers that conduct the nocturnal weddings. His natural spirits gave him rapture with his cook-maid, and cheerfulness when he was fluxing in a garret. There was a great similitude between his character and that of Sir Richard Steele.

Mansafara Attacked by wolves Enter the Tenda Wilderness Ruins and Plain of Doofroo Attacked by a swarm of bees Astronomical Observations Arrival at Sibikillin Shea trees Badoo; presents made to the King Tambacunda Ba Deema River Tabba Gee Mambari Julifunda; unfriendly conduct of its Chief; and presents sent to him and the King Visit from the latter Reach Eercella Baniserile Celebrate His Majesty's birthday Mode of fluxing iron Madina Falema river Satadoo Sickness and death of the Carpenter Arrival at Shrondo; commencement of the rainy season; and alarming sickness amongst the soldiers Gold mines; process for procuring the gold Dindikoo; gold pits Cultivation Arrival at Fankia.

He would, he thought, go out in the spring ... leave Myrtle Forge with its droning anvil, the endless, unvaried turning of water wheel, and the facile, trivial chatter in and about the house. David Forsythe, back from England in the capacity of master of fluxing metals, might acquire his, Howat's, interest in the Penny iron. Fanny Gilkan said, "You'll burn a hole in your coat with that pipe."

Now, it is the custom and the law that when the invading waters, either fluxing along the wall from below the road-bridge, or pouring sharply across the meadows from a cut called Owen's Ditch and I myself have seen it come both ways upon the very instant when the waxing element lips though it be but a single pebble of the founder's letters, it is in the license of any boy, soever small and undoctrined, to rush into the great school-rooms, where a score of masters sit heavily, and scream at the top of his voice, "P.B."

I say and as you, my reader, realize, I speak with authority I say that matter is the only illusion. Comte called the world, which is tantamount to matter, the great fetich, and I agree with Comte. It is life that is the reality and the mystery. Life is vastly different from mere chemic matter fluxing in high modes of notion. Life persists.