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Just as our extensor muscles act most truly when a simultaneous contraction of the flexors guides and steadies them; so the mind of him whose fields of consciousness are complex, and who, with the reasons for the action, sees the reasons against it, and yet, instead of being palsied, acts in the way that takes the whole field into consideration, so, I say, is such a mind the ideal sort of mind that we should seek to reproduce in our pupils.

As to the muscles, there is a short flexor, a short extensor, and a 'peronaeus longus', while the tendons of the long flexors of the great toe and of the other toes are united together and with an accessory fleshy bundle. The hind limb of the Gorilla, therefore, ends in a true foot, with a very moveable great toe.

In an athetoid hand, says Starr, the interossei and lumbricales, which flex the metacarpo-phalangeal and extend the phalangeal joints, are affected; rarely are the long extensors and the long flexors affected. Therefore the hand is usually in the so-called interosseal position, with flexion of the proximal and extension of the middle and distal phalanges.

Inflammation of the carpal flexors, when acute and uncomplicated, is characterized by a painfully swollen condition of the affected tendons. No weight is borne upon the affected leg and the carpal joint is flexed. Mixed lameness is present. There is no difficulty encountered in arriving at a diagnosis because of the very noticeably inflamed parts.

Done had done most of the windlass work since coming to the field, and his forearm was corrugated with muscle, while the flexors responded to movements like balls of iron starting under the brown skin.

The latter increase the volume and power of the extensors of the shoulder, arm, and forearm, and are to be sedulously practised, because we have fewer common and daily movements of these muscles than of their antagonists, the flexors, and they are consequently weaker in most persons. The windows should be widely opened, and the room warmed by the sun alone.

The general increase in muscular tone produces an interesting postural phenomenon: the limbs are flexed and the body bent forward, a position which probably is due to the fact that the flexors are stronger than the extensors.

The capsule extends downward beneath the origin of these digital flexors. This fact should be remembered in dealing with puncture wounds in the region, lest an error be made in estimating their extent and an open joint be overlooked at the initial examination. Etiology and Occurrence.

So with regard to the muscles. The short flexor of the toes of the Gorilla differs from that of Man by the circumstance that one slip of the muscle is attached, not to the heel bone, but to the tendons of the long flexors.

In this affection the colored sweating appears symmetrically in various parts of the body, the parts commonly affected being the cheeks, forehead, side of the nose, whole face, chest, abdomen, backs of the hands, finger-tips, and the flexors, flexures at the axillae, groins, and popliteal spaces. Although the color is generally black, nearly every color has been recorded.