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I remembered the dressmaker's smile! Ah, that smile reminded me of the smiles of a number of women, who laughed at seeing me so innocent and unsuspecting at Madame de Fischtaminel's! I wept sincerely. Until now I had a right to give my husband credit for many things which he did not possess, but in the existence of which young married women pertinaciously believe.

This underlined circumlocution is the paraphrase of the word love in the language of prudes. Have you put yourself in her place? Well, this too-much-loved husband by chance remarked at his friend Monsieur de Fischtaminel's, that he was very fond of mushrooms a l'Italienne.

I appeared vexed at the entrance of my husband, who made a scene on the viscount's departure: 'I assure you, sir, said I, after having listened to his reproaches, 'that it's altogether moral. My husband saw the point and went no more to Madame de Fischtaminel's. I received Monsieur de Lustrac no more, either."

I felt a slight attack of fever, and when I got home, I composed myself to smile. 'You haven't said a word about my dress! I muttered. 'Ah, yes, your gown is somewhat like Madame de Fischtaminel's. He turned on his heel and went away. "The next day I pouted a little, as you may readily imagine.

When I left there, I went to Braschon's, to see how much we owed him " "You made up this romance while I was talking to you! Look me in the face! I'll go to see Braschon to-morrow." Adolphe cannot restrain a nervous shudder. "You can't help laughing, you monster!" "I laugh at your obstinacy." "I'll go to-morrow to Madame de Fischtaminel's." "Oh, go wherever you like!"

I felt a slight attack of fever, and when I got home, I composed myself to smile. 'You haven't said a word about my dress! I muttered. 'Ah, yes, your gown is somewhat like Madame de Fischtaminel's. He turned on his heel and went away. "The next day I pouted a little, as you may readily imagine.

She perhaps enlightens Monsieur de Fischtaminel, and overthrows the labors of three years, by tearing down the scaffolding of Madame de Fischtaminel's assertions, who, after this visit, will treat you will coolness, suspecting, as she does, that you have been making indiscreet remarks to your wife.

I appeared vexed at the entrance of my husband, who made a scene on the viscount's departure: 'I assure you, sir, said I, after having listened to his reproaches, 'that it's altogether moral. My husband saw the point and went no more to Madame de Fischtaminel's. I received Monsieur de Lustrac no more, either."

While dissuading you from engaging in the speculation, she is visibly glad to see you investing your money in it. FIRST PERIOD. "Oh, I am the happiest woman on the face of the earth! Adolphe has just gone into the most splendid venture. I am going to have a carriage, oh! ever so much handsomer than Madame de Fischtaminel's; hers is out of fashion. Mine will have curtains with fringes.

Monsieur de Lustrac, the Universal Amadis, hurried to Madame de Fischtaminel's, narrated this little scene with all the spirit at his command, and Madame de Fischtaminel put on an air something like Celimene's and said: "Poor creature, what an extremity she must be in!" I say nothing of Caroline's confusion, you have already divined it. Here is the second.