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The champions continued their fight till they were interrupted by a messenger, who brought word to Ferrau that king Marsilius, his sovereign, was in pressing need of his assistance, and conjured him to return to Spain. Ferrau, upon this, proposed to suspend the combat, to which Orlando, eager to pursue Angelica, agreed. Ferrau, on the other hand, departed with the messenger to Spain.

Charlemagne, full of gratitude to Astolpho, would have kept him near his person and loaded him with honors, but Astolpho preferred to seek Rinaldo, with the view of restoring to him his horse, and departed from Paris with that design. Our story now returns to Orlando, whom we left fascinated with the sight of the sleeping beauty, who, however, escaped him while engaged in the combat with Ferrau.

Ferrau pursued him, and Astolpho, thus left to himself, took possession of the enchanted lance in place of his own, which was broken, not knowing the treasure he possessed in it, and returned to the tournament.

Ferrau, the Saracen, had the second, and Grandonio the third. Next came Berlinghieri, and Otho; then Charles himself, and, as his ill-fortune would have it, after thirty more, the indignant Orlando. Astolpho, who drew the first lot, was handsome, brave, and rich.

This evening two performances will be given The first at 5.30, the second at 8 Fight between Sacripante and the Duke of Avilla Ferrau kills Medoro and gains possession of Angelica Death of Sacripante at the hands of Ferrau Death of Angelica. There was a pleasant-looking, retiring young man in the box-office, who was pointed out to me as "Lui che parla" the one who speaks.

It rose again, very effectively, on the continuation of the fight, and almost at once Ferrau cut off the Duca d'Avilla's head which rolled about on the stage. Immediately there came three Turks; Ferrau stabbed each as he entered one, two, three and their bodies encumbered the ground as the curtain fell. It rose as soon as the bodies had been removed and disclosed Ferrau stamping about alone.

The violent Ferrau had the next chance in the encounter, and was thrown no less speedily than Astolpho; but he did not so easily put up with his mischance.

On the other side of the stage were two rows of pagans who in this hades, where the odium theologicum persists, are not admitted among Christians. Here hung Il Re Marsilio di Spagna, who was to be defeated this evening, and his two brothers, Bulugante and Falserone, his son the Infanta di Spagna, his nephew Ferrau, now dead, and Grandonio.

The jealous husband would kill his erring wife and would then be killed by her lover; but, being unversed in the habits of Cathaian emperors and their entourage, I had run off the track. Pasquale put me straight. "Prima Ferrau uccide Medoro." "And then kills Angelica?" I inquired. "No. Angelica si uccide personalmente, so as not to marry Ferrau."

Among the guests were King Grandonio, from Spain; and Ferrau, the Saracen, with eyes like an eagle; Orlando and Rinaldo, the Emperor's nephews; Duke Namo; Astolpho, of England, the handsomest man living; Malagigi, the Enchanter; and Gano, of Maganza, that wily traitor, who had the art to make the Emperor think he loved him, while he plotted against him.