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The eclipse-photographs of 1893 disclosed to Hartley's examination the presence there of gallium; and those taken by Evershed in 1898 were found by Jewell to be crowded with ultra-violet lines of the equally rare metal scandium. The general rule had been laid down by Sir Norman Lockyer that the metallic radiations from the chromosphere are those "enhanced" in the electric spark.

'If you get it from the Ferret, my dear Evershed, said the ex-Tory minister, Lord Rupert, 'you may put it down as a safe lie. As for me, I believe she has a much shrewder eye to the main chance. 'What do you mean? said the other, raising astonished eyebrows. 'Well, it doesn't pay, you know, to write yourself down a fiend not quite. 'What you think it will affect her audiences?

Evershed, Professor Campbell, and others; Professor Turner set on foot a novel mode of research by picturing the corona in the polarised ingredient of its light; Mrs. Maunder practically solved the problem of photographing the faint coronal extensions, one ray on her plates running out to nearly six diameters from the moon's limb.

Your eminent freethinker can't afford just yet, in the present state of the world, to make himself socially ridiculous. The cause suffers. 'Just my feeling, said young Evershed calmly. 'Though I mayn't care a rap about him personally, I prefer that a man on my own front bench shouldn't make a public ass of himself if he can help it not for his sake, of course, but for mine!

Madame de Netteville, meanwhile, was keeping up a conversation in an undertone with young Evershed, who had come to sit on a stool beside her, and was gazing up at her with eyes of which the expression was perfectly understood by several persons present. The handsome, dissipated, ill-conditioned youth had been her slave and shadow for the last two years.

'If you got it from The Ferret, my dear Evershed, said the ex-Tory minister, Lord Rupert, 'you may put it down as a safe lie. As for me, I believe she has a much shrewder eye to the main chance. 'What do you mean? said the other, raising astonished eyebrows. 'Well, it doesn't pay, you know, to write yourself down a fiend not quite. 'What you think it will affect her audiences?

But there is such a thing as destroying the illusion to such an extent that you injure your pocket. Desforêts is doing it doing it actually in Paris too. There was a ripple of laughter. 'Paris and illusions O mon Dieu! groaned young, Evershed, when he had done laughing, laying meditative hands on his knees and gazing into the fire.

Whether in his hours of intimacy with her, twelve months before, young Alfred Evershed had received the same impression may be doubted. In all things Eugénie de Netteville was an artist. Suddenly the curtain dividing them from the larger drawing-room was drawn back, and Sir John Headlam stood in the doorway. He had the glittering amused eyes of a malicious child as he looked at them.

Madame de Netteville, meanwhile, was keeping up a conversation in an undertone with young Evershed, who had come to sit on a stool beside her, and was gazing up at her with eyes of which the expression was perfectly understood by several persons present. The handsome, dissipated, ill-conditioned youth had been her slave and shadow for the last two years.

The first outcome of the movement was the Niagara River Hydraulic Power and Sewer Company, incorporated in 1886, and succeeded by the Niagara Falls Power Company. The old plan of utilising the water by means of an open canal was unsuited to the circumstances, and the company adopted that of the late Mr. Thomas Evershed, divisional engineer of the New York State Canals.