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"Something that will cure his laziness at the same time." The Professor brought his case; then, remembering something else in his kit that he wanted, he laid the case down and hurried back to his tent. However, Stacy opened the case, selecting a bottle, apparently at random, drew the cork and held the bottle under Juan's nose. "Smell of this, my son. It'll cure your estomago on the run."

Apparently, he had been seized by some terrible pain. Groaning, in what appeared to be agony, his bound figure rolled about on the earth, while his legs, which below his knees were free, kicked vigorously. "Oh oh oh!" groaned Pete. "What's the matter?" cried the gamblers, springing up in consternation at this sudden seizure. "Oh, oh! mucho malo estomago!" howled Pete.

A sudden wail from the guide attracted the attention of the party to him at once. "Now what's the matter?" demanded Tad, hurrying to him. The guide had thrown himself prone upon the ground and was groaning as if in great agony, offering no reply to the question. "Are you sick?" "Si, si, señor," moaned Juan. "Where?" "Estomago mucho malo." "Your stomach?"

DOÑA MATILDE. Nada tiene de particular; sin embargo, una cosa es que sus vejeces me desesperen tal cual vez, y otra cosa es que.... ¡Ay Dios, y qué temblor me ha dado! DON EDUARDO. ¿Está usted sin almorzar? DOÑA MATILDE. Por supuesto. DON EDUARDO. Entonces es algún frío que ha cogido el estómago, y....

"How do you feel now?" grinned the Professor as they came up to him with their prisoner. "He's got a whole camp-fire in his little estomago," announced Chunky solemnly, which sally elicited a loud laugh from the boys. "Give him some olive oil," directed the Professor. "I think the lesson has been sufficiently burned into him "