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Here the Colonel looked up from his MS., and said episodically: "Perhaps you will fancy that these dialogues are invented by me after the fashion of the ancient historians? Not so. I give you the report of what passed, as Gunston repeated it verbatim; and I suspect that his memory was pretty accurate. When his valet brought it in, he told the man that Mr.

And as the reader may remember that, on the day of Tommy's first interview with his father, he had previously paid a visit to Mrs. Briggs, having under his arm a pair of breeches, which Mrs. Briggs coveted he should now be informed that she desired these breeches, not for pincushions, but for Mr. Moffat, who had long been in want of a pair. Having thus episodically narrated Mr.

XVII, No. 7, Apr. 21, 1920. According to them, epilepsy is a disease characterized by a lack of the natural instinctive interest in the environment which is expressed chronically in the deterioration, and episodically in the attacks, the most consistent feature of which is loss of consciousness.

I like him, as far as he goes, much the best of any of them: but then his account is, properly, only an account of his own Embassy, from the Emperor Charles the Fifth to Solyman the Magnificent. However, there he gives, episodically, the best account I know of the customs and manners of the Turks, and of the nature of that government, which is a most extraordinary one.

In my career, episodically brief though it was, I have met and talked with all the wits, and celebrated men, have drunk good wine, and worshipped beautiful women, Mr. Vibart." "And what has it all taught you?" said I. "That there are an infernal number of rogues and rascals in the world, for one thing and that is worth knowing." "Yes," said I.

I like him, as far as he goes, much the best of any of them: but then his account is, properly, only an account of his own Embassy, from the Emperor Charles the Fifth to Solyman the Magnificent. However, there he gives, episodically, the best account I know of the customs and manners of the Turks, and of the nature of that government, which is a most extraordinary one.

But in this later form, the true story of this singular man doomed to wear an iron vizor over his features during his entire lifetime could only be treated episodically. While as a special subject in the Crimes, Dumas indulges his curiosity, and that of his reader, to the full.

Except for these episodes, these three patients had the typical slight elevation of temperature. Three cases out of thirty-five, in which high fever and leucocytosis appeared episodically, are hardly enough to justify the view that stupors are the result of a specific infection.

It is not, as has been held, a result of rhetorical studies alone; it reveals rather a native good sense tempered with a neoteric interest in psychology and a neoteric exactness in formal composition. And yet the passage exhibits a great advance upon the geometric formality of the Ciris. The incident is not treated episodically as it might have been in Vergil's early work.

And here let me remark episodically, that I pride myself on titles; what compositors call "monkeyfying the title-page" is known to be a talent of itself, and one moreover to which in these days of advertisements and superficialities many a meagre book has owed its popular acceptance.