United States or Singapore ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But a cause more fundamental perhaps than all other causes of the failure of cooperation in the United States is to be found in the difficulties of successful entrepreneurship. In the labor movement in the United States there has been a failure, generally speaking, to appreciate the significance of management and the importance which must be imputed to it.

It places these values above profitability, entrepreneurship, competition, individualism, mobility, size, litigation and the use of force. Europeans firmly believe that the workings of the market should be tampered with and that it is the responsibility of the state to see to it that no one gets left behind or trampled upon. European stakeholder capitalism is paternalistic and inclusive.

The sole result has been to delay the development of resources and industry by deterring the application of capital and entrepreneurship on any large scale.

This is where transition, micromanaged by these "experts" failed. The mere exposure to free markets was supposed to unleash innovation and entrepreneurship in the long-oppressed populations of east Europe. When this recipe bombed, the West tried to engender a stable, share-holding, business-owning, middle class by financing small size enterprises.

Their own economic Renaissance is spurred on by a striving home-grown proletariat. And they are uniquely positioned geographically and culturally to export destitute go-getters to the wealthy West and to reap the rewards of the inevitable spurt in entrepreneurship and innovation that follows.

The very atom of antitrust thinking the firm has changed in the last two decades. No longer hierarchical and rigid, business resembles self-assembling, nimble, ad-hoc networks of entrepreneurship superimposed on ever-shifting product groups and profit and loss centers.

These economies are also likely to sport a largish public sector, most of it service oriented. No national economy in CEE qualifies as "Consumer Oriented", though there are pockets of consumer-oriented entrepreneurship within each one. The Trader Economies These economies are equivalent to the cardiovascular system. They provide the channels through which goods and services are exchanged.

With the exception of Slovenia, Estonia, Croatia and the Czech Republic the population of the countries in transition is poor, sometimes inordinately so. Looming and actual penury is a major driver of entrepreneurship, initiative and innovation. Wealth formation and profit seeking are motivated by indigence, both absolute and relative.

It fosters entrepreneurship and social mobility. By allowing the countries in transition to skip massive investments in outdated technologies the cellular phone, the Internet, cable TV, and the satellite become shortcuts to prosperity. Poverty is another invaluable advantage.

An overly generous social safety net, a sprawling bureaucracy, inane laws and regulations about everything from the environment to the welfare of pigs, paralyzed decision-making processes and deleterious subventions can all scupper progress and depress entrepreneurship and innovation.