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"Except that I did n't exactly I think you said I exactly'? I did n't bargain for old Mart as my but he's a sound man; Mart's my junior; he's rich. He's eco ... he's eco... you know my Lord! where's my brains? but he's upright 'nomical!" "An economical man," said Fellingham, with sedate impatience. "My dear sir, I'm heartily obliged to you for your assistance," returned Van Diemen. "Here she is."

A legend so hoary, that "the memory of man runneth not to the contrary", had assigned the outlines of this stone cutting to that dim dawn of primeval tribal life, which left its later traces in the Watch Tower of the Mancos, the Casa del Eco, and the "niche stairway of the Hovenweep".

Of all the follies of the world, that which is most universally received is the solicitude of reputation and glory; which we are fond of to that degree as to abandon riches, peace, life, and health, which are effectual and substantial goods, to pursue this vain phantom and empty word, that has neither body nor hold to be taken of it: La fama, ch'invaghisce a un dolce suono Gli superbi mortali, et par si bella, E un eco, un sogno, anzi d'un sogno un'ombra, Ch'ad ogni vento si dilegua a sgombra."

It continued hazy for two hours after leaving Gwen-dekki, when the mist dispersed and the atmosphere became clear. Preparatory to ascending a steep granite hill, they halted to refresh their horses under the branches of a high spreading tree, near a town called Eco. Here they were visited by several of the inhabitants, who, as soon as they were informed of their arrival, came flocking to the spot.

He enlisted the interest of many of the older Filipino clergy and through their contributions subsidized a paper, El Eco Filipino, which spoke from the Filipino standpoint and answered the reflections which were the stock in trade of the conservative organ, for the reactionaries had an abusive journal just as they had had in 1821 and were to have in the later days.

"Except that I did n't exactly I think you said I exactly'? I did n't bargain for old Mart as my but he's a sound man; Mart's my junior; he's rich. He's eco . . . he's eco . . . you know my Lord! where's my brains? but he's upright 'nomical!" "An economical man," said Fellingham, with sedate impatience. "My dear sir, I'm heartily obliged to you for your assistance," returned Van Diemen.

"Diario politico independiente, y de noticias: Eco imparcial de la opinion y de la prensa," he calls it, and the fourth page, devoted to advertisements, would make the fortune of ten others. His boast was that it had no editor, paid no writers, and employed no correspondents.

"What a damn-fool he is, Opdyke!" he remarked, with stress upon the hyphen. "Yes, and no. If I were going to analyze him, I'd write his formula as B M+ECo , thrice brilliant man plus and, mind you, the plus is a serious handicap an embodied conscience raised to the seventh power.

And so he preached on. There was only one other person at our end of the caffè, a dark, good-looking man with blue spectacles, who sat at an adjoining table with an Eco d'Italia before him, sipping cognac and sugar.