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"Why, Father dear, I do my best, avourneen; an' I ought of a sartinty to know it, bekase blessed Friar Hagan spent three dys instructin' Mat and myself in it; an' more betoken, that Mat sent him a sack o' phaties, an' a bag of oats for his trouble, not forgettin' the goose he got from myself, the Micklemas afther. Arrah how long is that ago, Katty a-haygur?" said she, addressing her companion.

"My words hexackly when the baron's privit secretary told me two dys laiter as 'ow the baron's heggs wasn't done proper," said the ghost. "H'I says to 'im, says I: 'The baron's heggs be blowed. "I give it up," replied Terwilliger. "What?" "'E said as 'ow h'I 'ad the big 'ead." "How disgusting of him!" murmured Terwilliger. "That was simply low." "Hand then 'e accuged me of bein' himpudent." "No!"

It was a public-house in those days, too. But I never heard of the Horns!" The 'bus-driver was impressed by this statement, but he would not lightly yield in the argument. "Of course," he said, "The Elephant my 'ave been well-known in them dys, and I don't sy it ain't well-known in these dys, but I do sy thet it ain't so well-known now as wot the 'Orns is.

''Tis the charac'er they'll be on about, he said, laughing and showing an even set of white teeth; 'they looks at the clothes and shakes their wise 'eads! "Must have a respec'able by," they says; but bless'd if I don't mike more some dys than some blokes dos if they works a week on hend!

I am sleeping at the place where I used to be barmaid, and to-morrow I go back to Alfredston. Father is come home again, and I am living with him." "He has returned from Australia?" said Jude with languid curiosity. "Yes. Couldn't get on there. Had a rough time of it. Mother died of dys what do you call it in the hot weather, and Father and two of the young ones have just got back.