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Phoebus Apollo, to whom it seems you pray before you go into battle, has again saved you; but if I too have any friend among the gods I will surely make an end of you when I come across you at some other time. Now, however, I will pursue and overtake other Trojans." On this he struck Dryops with his spear, about the middle of his neck, and he fell headlong at his feet.

Here Clausus of Cures comes confident in his pride of strength, and with a long reach strikes Dryops under the chin, and, urging the stiff spear-shaft home, stops the accents of his speech and his life together, piercing the throat; but he strikes the earth with his forehead, and vomits clots of blood.

Besides these, a beetle forming a peculiar species between Atopa and Cyphon; Cantharis cembricola Esch., and one resembling the testacea; a Hylecoetus, scarcely differing from dermestoides; Catops; a Heterocerus, broad and covered with whitish scales; an Elophorus; two Phaleriæ with a black ground; two kinds of Stenotrachelis, both larger than the European, which has hitherto borne the name of Dryops ænea; and in fact, the beetle in Banks's Museum, so called by Fabricius, is either the same, or a species very nearly resembling it, and it may therefore be conjectured that some mistake has accidentally occurred in the designation of its native country in that Museum.

They sing of the blessed Gods and of high Olympus, and above all do they sing of boon Hermes, how he is the fleet herald of all the Gods, and how he came to many-fountained Arcadia, the mother of sheep, where is his Cyllenian demesne, and there he, God as he was, shepherded the fleecy sheep, the thrall of a mortal man; for soft desire had come upon him to wed the fair- haired daughter of Dryops, and the glad nuptials he accomplished, and to Hermes in the hall she bare a dear son.

Verily I will slay thee yet when I meet thee hereafter, if any god is helper of me too. Now will I make after the rest, whomsoever I may seize." Thus speaking he pierced Dryops in the midst of his neck with his spear, and he fell down before his feet.

The number of insects collected on the low land was very small; among them the Staphylinus erytrocephalus, also a native of New Holland; an Aphodius, scarcely to be distinguished from the limbatus Wiedem. of the Cape of Good Hope; an Elater of the species Monocrepis; of Oedemera, three varieties of the species Dytilus, to which belong the Dryops livida and lineata F.; two small varieties of Apate; Anthribus, Cossonnus, Lamia, Sphinx pungens, and a large Phasma.