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I don't know zackly where, an hang me if I care; but they're a bad lot are some o' them dooks rich as Pharaoh, king o' J'rus'lem, an' hard as nails though I'm bound for to say they ain't all alike.

"Ah!" said the Tinker, "it sounds better a sight better besides, I never read a nov-el with a tinker in it as I remember; they're generally dooks, or earls, or barronites nobody wants to read about a tinker." "That all depends," said I; "a tinker may be much more interesting than an earl or even a duke." The Tinker examined the piece of bacon upon his knifepoint with a cold and disparaging eye.

You hear a costermonger on the stage say, 'Give me my 'umble fireside, and let my good old missus 'and me my cup o' tea and my 'ard-earned bit o' bread, and all the dooks and lords in Hengland ain't nothin' to me! you hear that, and you know quite well that no costermonger on this goodly earth ever talked in that way, and still you cheer.

"Bah! Mistaken identity." "I'm sure, sir," insisted Holleran. "Picard has a whisker-mole on his chin, sir, like these forriners grow, sir. Picard, sir, an' no mistake." "But what would a duke . . ." "Ay, sir; that's the question," interrupted Flanagan; and added in a whisper: "Y' c'n buy a dozen dooks for a couple o' million francs, sir.

It was O'Neill's old suit that he had borrowed, which, as the Honorable Commissioner had pointed out, really made a much better fit than the costly brand-new one just from Begg's. At the first sight of their boarder in it, the two women cried out with pleasure, likening him to dooks and dashing villains on the stage, well seen by them from upper galleries of the past.

"Well, now we're a-goin' in the train like dooks an' after that we're a-goin' to 'ave a rare old beano. I give you my word!" Dickie was full of questions, but Mr. Beale had no answers for them. "You jes' wait;" "hold on a bit;" "them as lives longest sees most" these were the sort of remarks which were all that Dickie could get out of him.