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Others, perhaps, ere now, have, in speaking of themselves, misused the words I must employ to depict the state of my soul; yet, I beseech you to believe in the truth of my expressions; though weak, they are sincere. Perhaps I ought not thus to proclaim my love.

But these faults were partly due to his conception of the character which he had tried to depict; and partly to the inherent difficulty of depicting one so complex, in a succession of mental and moral states, irrespectively of the conditions of time, place, and circumstance which were involved in them. Only a very powerful imagination could have inspired such an attempt.

It was thus no accident that he elected to write of the lower middle classes; choosing to depict the misery of the poor, their unfair treatment in institutions; to depict also the unease of criminals, the crushed state of all underlings whether the child in education or that grown-up evil child, the malefactor in prison.

It should detract no whit from one's delight in such a work as "The Vicar of Wakefield" to acknowledge that its aim is not to depict society as it then existed, but to give a pleasurable abstract of human nature for the purpose of reconciling us through art with life, when lived so sanely, simply and sweetly as by Primrose of gentle memory.

If, on the other hand, I am, so to speak, torn from your arms if a plausible lawyer can depict you tearful and inconsolable if " "You make out a fairly strong case, Mr. Curtis. I have told you that I trust you, and I can only repeat my words of gratitude. . . . Marcelle, you will not leave me?" "Never, miss, ma'am that is, your ladyship."

Later we shall depict the environment under which these things occurred; it is enough to suggest in passing that perhaps at this period the ancestors of the Indians had capacities as great as those of any people.

Hath the gracious reader understood the meaning of the mystic S with which the last chapter commences, and in which the designer has feebly endeavoured to depict the notorious Sinbad the Sailor, surmounted by that odious old man of the sea? What if Harry Warrington should be that sailor, and his fate that choking, deadening, inevitable old man?

I have put it into the shape of a story, because I think that I may so best depict the feelings of the people around me as I made my great endeavour to carry out the Fixed Period in Britannula, and because I may so describe the kind of opposition which was shown by the expression of those sentiments on which Lieutenant Crosstrees depended.

The saints forbid that I should put aloes into the honey of their hearts; but this child will grow." Clelia Alba perceived that he had his doubts as she had hers. But they said nothing of them to each other. The issue would lie with Time, whom men always depict as a mower, but who is also a sower, too.

An engraving suspended below the pulpit gives the features of the hero of San Germano of Salabertrand and the Balsille. While on his tombstone is the following Latin inscription: "Beneath this Tomb lies In the centre of the monument "Thou seest here the ashes of Arnaud, but his achievements, labours, and undaunted courage none can depict.