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We skirted the lonely little lake called the Daubensee, and presently passed close by a glacier on the right a thing like a great river frozen solid in its flow and broken square off like a wall at its mouth. I had never been so near a glacier before. Here we came upon a new board shanty, and found some men engaged in building a stone house; so the Schwarenbach was soon to have a rival.

"Here, Chick, come and warm me. Well, Armie, why ain't you off?" "Yes," said Armine, with a quiver in his voice, "if I keep down by the side of the glacier, I suppose I must come to the Daubensee in time." "What! Have we lost the way?" said Jock, beginning to look alarmed.

After luncheon and a good rest on the wooden bench outside the door, they began to stroll towards the Daubensee, along a path between desolate boulders, without vegetation, except a small kind of monkshood. "I call this dreary," said the mother. "We don't seem to get a bit nearer the lake. I shall go home and write to Babie." "I'll come back with you," said Johnny.

We skirted the lonely little lake called the Daubensee, and presently passed close by a glacier on the right a thing like a great river frozen solid in its flow and broken square off like a wall at its mouth. I had never been so near a glacier before. Here we came upon a new board shanty, and found some men engaged in building a stone house; so the Schwarenbach was soon to have a rival.

Graham, who had been at the inn, were gathered at the border of the Daubensee, entreating, almost ready to use force to get the poor mother home before the snow should efface the tracks, and render the return to Schwarenbach dangerous. Ever since the alarm had been given there had been a going about with lights, a shouting and seeking, all along the road where she had parted with her sons.

Once, I remember, as we passed over the Gemmi, and walked along the border of the melancholy Daubensee, a large rock which had been dislodged from the ridge upon our right clattered down and roared into the lake behind us. In an instant Holmes had raced up on to the ridge, and, standing upon a lofty pinnacle, craned his neck in every direction.

"One day," he resumed, "we will start off early and come down into Kandersteg and up these zigzags and here and here, and so past this Daubensee to a tiny inn it won't be busy yet, though; we may get it all to ourselves on the brim of the steepest zigzag you can imagine, thousands of feet of zigzag; and you will sit and eat lunch with me and look out across the Rhone Valley and over blue distances beyond blue distances to the Matterhorn and Monte Rosa and a long regiment of sunny, snowy mountains.