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But in vain Yegor pointed him out to me; however much I strained my eyes, I could not make him out. Yegor had to take a shot at him. We came upon two coveys of moorhens also. The cautious birds rose at a distance with an abrupt, heavy sound. We succeeded, however, in killing three young ones.

White, Gilbert, on the proportion of the sexes in the partridge; on the house-cricket; on the object of the song of birds; on the finding of new mates by white owls; on spring coveys of male partridges. Whiteness, a sexual ornament in some birds; of mammals inhabiting snowy countries. White-throat, aerial love-dance of the male.

The ptarmigan seem to have supplemented the meagre stocks in the Iditarod during this winter of 1910-11 as effectively as the rabbits did in the Fairbanks camp in the scarce winter of 1904-5. In place after place the whole creek valley, where it was open, was crisscrossed with ptarmigan tracks, and the birds rose in coveys, uttering their harsh, guttural cry at every turn of the trail.

A Rabbit plague the autumn before had swept away their main support; a winter of deep snow and sudden crusts had killed off nearly all the Partridges; a long wet spring had destroyed the few growing coveys and had kept the ponds and streams so full that Fish and Frogs were safe from their armed paws, and this mother Lynx fared no better than her kind.

Can't I go to the coveys and pretend that I am searching for stray sheep, and tell a lie or two about the horses, and then hint that I don't like to be caught in this part of the country after dark, 'cos I have seen strange sights, that I don't like to talk about?

"Who are you, that answers our calls like a man lost on the plains?" demanded Sam, throwing his gun into the hollow of his arm, as though he meant mischief if provoked. "That's a pretty question for you coveys to ask, after eating my mutton as long as you have," replied Day.

It 's dreadful to have to think out new ones for oneself." And he awoke. His dream had had in it the element called Art, for, in its gross absurdity, Mrs. Dennant had said things that showed her soul more fully than anything she would have said in life. "No," said a voice quite close, behind the hedge, "not many Frenchmen, thank the Lord! A few coveys of Hungarians over from the Duke's.

Sometimes they saw him stop short, a mere speck of white against a distant hill. Again in creek bottoms, in the edges of woods, they found him, erect, motionless, tail straight out, a living, breathing statue in white. They advanced side by side; the staccato of their shots rang out in the amber air; out of whirling coveys birds tumbled.

"No doubt of that," remarked the shepherd, dryly; "but the coveys ain't going to make a fight of it by any means. They would starve us out in less than twenty-four hours after beginning the siege." Mr. Brown pointed to the horses, as though intimating we could eat them if pressed, but Day shook his head. "Tain't the grub that we should need as much as something else.

Their chief amusement was watching the coveys of flying-fish which rose every now and then from the ocean, and darted through the air, their bright scales glittering in the sun.