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In hard times commercially, how slow most are to learn the warning against luxury, over-trading, haste to be rich! And in regard to higher lessons, men have a dim sense sometimes that the blow comes from God, but, like Balaam, go on their way in spite of the angel with the sword. It does not soften, nor restrain, nor drive to God. The main result is, impatient longing for its removal.

So well did he acquit himself when these errands involved questions of commercial policy that the English traders were wont to declare that Tus-ka-sah, the Terrapin, had "horse sense" which certainly was remarkable in a terrapin! His clear-headed qualities, however, valued commercially, seemed hardly calculated to adorn the fireside.

Now, gentlemen, my opinion is that the Church, and the Church only, knows the secret of the passage through the foggy channel, and keeps it to itself. I look at this commercially, as a question of demand and supply. Well, sir; the only real trader here at Todos Santos is the Church." "Then you don't take in account the interests of Brimmer, Markham, and Keene," said Brace.

In the first place, imported commodities are beyond the purchasing power of the great mass of the population, and the flood of imports which might have been expected to succeed the raising of the blockade was not in fact commercially possible.

But I assure you that the one all-absorbing topic of the German people is this one of Germany's manifest destiny to rule and elevate the world. And remember these two things go together. They have no idea of dominating the world intellectually or even commercially but perhaps you are sick of this." "Not at all. I am very greatly interested," said Jane. "Then I shall just read you one thing more.

The proximity of Tabreez to the Russian border makes it politically, as well as commercially, one of the most important cities in Persia. This prince is the Russian candidate, as opposed to the English candidate, for the prospective vacancy on the throne.

It was greeted at once with scientific acclaim and enthusiasm as a distinctly new and great invention, although at first it was regarded more as a scientific toy than as a commercially valuable device.

The Southerner, it was understood, was a gentleman, a man of mettle and spirit, and in many cases the direct descendant of an old English Cavalier family; while the Northerners were for the most part but humdrum and commercially minded people who inherited the necessarily somewhat bigoted, if excellent, characteristics of their Dutch, Puritan, or Quaker ancestors.

He sees the reason for stringent orders in regard to health and sanitation. He does not like to get into a dirty bath himself, and so he leaves it clean for the next man. In other words, the soldier, consciously or unconsciously, has learned that he is a part of a great mass of people, and that his own safety, both commercially and socially, depends on the proper disciplining of the whole people.

Banks wouldn't indorse commercially." "Ah, you don't know my brother, Mr. Brace." "Nor do you, very well, Miss Keene. You were saying, only last night, you hardly remembered him." The young girl sighed. "I was very young when he went West," she said explanatorily; "but I dare say I shall recall him.