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Find where it leaves the wall as a double membrane, the mesentery, which surrounds and holds in place the large and small intestines. Sketch a coil of the intestine, showing the mesentery. Find in the center of the coils of small intestine a long, slender body having the appearance of a gland. This is the beginning of the thoracic duct and is called the receptacle of the chyle.

There is another kind of diarrhoea, which has been called cæliaca; in this disease the chyle, drank up by the lacteals of the small intestines, is probably poured into the large intestines, by the retrograde motions of their lacteals: as in the chyliferous diabetes, the chyle is poured into the bladder, by the retrograde motions of the urinary branch of absorbents.

A man worn out by labour, anxiety, and pain needs tasty foods to give fresh vigour to his brain; a child fresh from his games, a child whose body is growing, needs plentiful food which will supply more chyle. Moreover the grown man has already a settled profession, occupation, and home, but who can tell what Fate holds in store for the child?

At this awful threat the two friars made their escape, and we laughed heartily over the incident. If all the count's eccentricities had been of this comparatively harmless and amusing nature, I should not have minded, but such was far from being the case. Instead of chyle his organs must have distilled some virulent poison; he was always at his worst in his after dinner hours.

The chyle, which is seen among the materials thrown up by violent vomiting, or in purging stools, can only come thither by its having been poured into the bowels by the inverted motions of the lacteals: for our aliment is not converted into chyle in the stomach or intestines by a chemical process, but is made in the very mouths of the lacteals; or in the mesenteric glands; in the same manner as other secreted fluids are made by an animal process in their adapted glands.

The former has for its object nutrition and the maintenance of life; and the latter, the restoration of the deteriorated blood, and the animalization or assimilation of the chyle from which the blood is formed.

One asserted that in me all the chyle turned into blood; another was of opinion that the air I was breathing must, at each inhalation, increase the quantity of blood in my lungs, and contended that this was the reason for which I always kept my mouth open. I heard of it all six years afterward from M. Baffo, a great friend of my late father.

On dissection, the swelling is found to be made up of dilated, tortuous, and thickened lymph vessels in which the parent worm is sometimes found, and of greatly enlarged lymph glands which have undergone fibrosis, with giant-cell formation and eosinophile aggregations. The fluid in the dilated vessels is either clear or turbid, in the latter case resembling chyle.

Yes, I think the chyle of not only poetry and painting, but oratory, and even the metaphysics and music fit for the New World, before being finally assimilated, need first and feeding visits here. Mountain streams.

By-the-by, from thence comes their name of "tissue," which they share in common with all the solid substances of the body, for all were once supposed to have the same general structure. The intestine of the cockchafer floats, did I not say? in the lake of blood which fills the whole cavity of the body. Well, then, the chyle has only to penetrate through these coats, to go where it is wanted.