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They were voluntary associations for worship, ignored distinctions of social rank, had great ideas and impressive rituals apparently all the elements necessary to the establishment of churches or of a national church. Yet they faded gradually away, and perished finally without leaving any definite impression, as it seemed, on Greece or the world without.

It could not truly be said, that any material change had taken place in the character and condition of the people at large, as a consequence of Protestant missions. But this at least was true, that the impression given by the Jesuits, that Protestants had no religion, no priesthood, and no churches, had been extensively removed.

I have heard many clergymen declare that they never beheld any congregation in which more attention and decorum prevailed than in our ship churches. At sea, both in fleets and on board single ships, the afternoon of Sunday is generally a season of rest and quietness; but in harbour it is frequently the most annoying period of the whole week.

One need not recite it here. It usually is the account of three hundred or four hundred people with five or six country churches. At its worst there is a small community in which missionary agencies are supporting ministers who do not average one hundred possible families apiece in the community.

This majority declared that it was "regular for this church to admit persons into this church that are in full communion with other churches and come regularly to this." This decision the minority characterized as unlawful according to the recent acts of the Assembly.

After such an introduction there is apt to be a "run" on the Children's department the next few days. Boys and girls come in numbers to ask for the book "You told mother about yesterday." These talks at the different schools, clubs and churches are the means of bringing the mothers to the library.

The case of Camilla Clark was agitating the Ladies' Aid of one of the Lindsay churches. They had talked about it through the whole of that afternoon session while they sewed for their missionary box talked about it, and come to no conclusion. In the preceding spring James Clark, one of the hands in the lumber mill at Lindsay, had been killed in an accident.

In Germany, the princes, not the people, had conquered Rome, and to the princes, not the people, were secured the benefits of the victory the spoils of churches, and the right to worship according to conscience. The people had the right to conform to their ruler's creed, or to depart from his land.

Every city has a superintendent, and every building a principal; while, in the country, one county superintendent has to supervise a hundred or more schools, situated too, as they are, long distances apart. =City Churches.= Something similar may be said with respect to the churches. In every city there are several, and people can usually go to the church of their choice.

It is also better, in many respects, than Chapman's more famous and more fanciful rendering; but for some reason it was not successful, and has never received the recognition which it deserves. Entirely different in spirit are the poet's numerous hymns, which were published in the Olney Collection in 1779 and which are still used in our churches.