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As his studies, at a previous period of his life, had made him extensively acquainted with the medical science of the day, it was as a physician that he presented himself and as such was cordially received. Skilful men, of the medical and chirurgical profession, were of rare occurrence in the colony.

Ceeley's Account of the Puerperal Fever at Aylesbury. "Lancet," 1835. Dr. Ramsbotham's Lecture. "London Medical Gazette," 1835. Mr. Yates Ackerly's Letter in the same Journal, 1838. Mr. Ingleby on Epidemic Puerperal Fever. "Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal," 1838. Mr. Paley's Letter. "London Medical Gazette," 1839. Remarks at the Medical and Chirurgical Society. "Lancet," 1840. Dr.

Ceeley's Account of the Puerperal Fever at Aylesbury, "Lancet," 1835. Dr. Ramsbotham's Lecture, "London Medical Gazette," 1835. Mr. Yates Ackerly's Letter in the same journal, 1838. Mr. Ingleby on Epidemic Puerperal Fever, "Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal," 1838. Mr. Paley's Letter, "London Medical Gazette," 1839. Remarks at the Medical and Chirurgical Society, "Lancet," 1840. Dr.

Ceeley's Account of the Puerperal Fever at Aylesbury. "Lancet," 1835. Dr. Ramsbotham's Lecture. "London Medical Gazette," 1835. Mr. Yates Ackerly's Letter in the same Journal, 1838. Mr. Ingleby on Epidemic Puerperal Fever. "Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal," 1838. Mr. Paley's Letter. "London Medical Gazette," 1839. Remarks at the Medical and Chirurgical Society. "Lancet," 1840. Dr.

Ah, my sons! reflect that some of them have lost their sight in a few days, some after years of martyrdom and many terrible chirurgical operations, and that many were born so, born into a night that has no dawn for them, that they entered into the world as into an immense tomb, and that they do not know what the human countenance is like.

When at Naples he is said to have studied medicine, and cured Augustus's horses of a severe ailment. Augustus ordered him a daily allowance of bread, which was doubled on a second instance of his chirurgical knowledge, and trebled on his detecting the true ancestry of a rare Spanish hound!

In short, he had as many offices as Scrub in the play, and went through them all with great dexterity; this of surgeon was, perhaps, the only one in which his skill was somewhat deficient, at least that branch of tapping for the dropsy; for he very ingenuously and modestly confessed he had never seen the operation performed, nor was possessed of that chirurgical instrument with which it is performed.

When I had delivered my list of medicines, chosen a couple of my own countrymen for mates, and bespoke a set of chirurgical instruments, my uncle told me, that by his last voyage he had cleared almost three thousand pounds, one-third of which he would immediately make over and put into my hands; that he would procure for me credit to the value of as much wore in such goods as would turn to best account in the country to which we were bound; and that, although he looked upon my interest as his own, he would keep the remaining part of his fortune in his own disposal, with a view of preserving his independence, and the power of punishing me, in case I should not make a good use of what he had already bestowed.

The next year he writes to two other friends: "I have been confined to my bed for some days through a fever occasioned by the stump of a tooth which baffled chirurgical efforts to eject, and which by affecting my eye affected my stomach, and through that my whole frame. I am better, but still weak in consequence of such long sleeplessness and wearying pains; weak, very weak.

There are also a chief anatomist, a painter, and a modeller in wax. The lectures are open to the public as well as to the students, who are said to exceed a thousand. Besides this part of instruction, the pupils practise anatomical, chirurgical, and chemical operations.