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This was nothing but a child-play compared with the railroad activity which the later years brought forth, for now we have a railway system extending over one thousand two hundred miles. But this concerns the later period, so we shall not dwell upon it at present. Steamers and the coasting trade. In 1871 the number of ships of foreign build was only 74, but by 1878 they had reached 377.

"No fool rebel could keep such a secret from me. Godkin likes to talk and swagger. He feels his oats. Come, just to pass the time, let's beat the bushes." "Back out!" breathed Andy. There was no time to be lost. But the backward movement was most painfully slow. The men tramping in the bushes, feeling the thing but child-play, laughed and talked loudly.

Often we pay a large sum to have the records examined and even then a purchaser has no assurance of non-interference. Here it is even possible to buy a lot, build a home, and five or fifty years afterward have it sold by some one who proves a prior claim on the land. No such foolishness, or child-play in the guise of legal dignity, is countenanced in Tor-tu.

Chilled, for unconsciously I had begun to find in this child-play an interest unexpected, I dropped her unresisting fingers. "Upon my word," I said, almost irritably, "I can believe you when you say you never mean to wed." "But I don't say it," she protested. "What? You have a mind to wed?" "Nor did I say that, either," she said, laughing. "Then what the deuce do you say?"

What are its oxygen, its hydrogen, its nitrogen, its carbonic acid, its ozone, and all the possible rest, to the blowing of the wind on our faces? What is the analysis of water to the babble of a running stream? What is any knowledge of things to the heart, beside its child-play with the Eternal!