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"Do you realise this is the first time we have been alone together this month?" "No? Really?" She glanced up absently. "Never mind that muddle-headed old Chelmer. I dare say she only wants another hundred or two." He came over, took the letter and her hand with it. "I have a great secret to tell you." Now he had captured her attention as well as her hand. Her eyes sparkled.

Galled by such terrible insinuations, Lady Chelmer had dared to sound the girl. "I love his letters," gushed Amber, bafflingly. "He writes such cute things." "He doesn't dress very well," said Lady Chelmer, feebly fighting. "Oh, of course, he doesn't bother as much as Tolly, who looks as if he had been poured into his clothes " "Yes, the mould of fashion," quoted Lady Chelmer, vaguely.

"Such a rapt devotee!" "Wagner is the greatest man of the century. He alone has been able to change London's dinner-hour." Amber could not help smiling. "Poor Lady Chelmer!" she said, nodding towards the drowsing dowager. "Since half-past six!" "Is that our carriage?" said the "Prisoner of Pleasure," opening her eyes. "No, dear I guess we are some fifty behind.

"I learnt enough Latin at College to understand that," she said; "but I don't see how one finds out anything by just watching them hover over their hives. I've never even been able to find the queen bee. Won't you come and see what beautiful woods there are behind the house? Lady Chelmer is walking there, and I ought to be joining her." "You ought to be taking her an umbrella," he said coldly.

Before Lady Chelmer had time to bend her pink parasol a little more definitely, a thunder of applause turned Amber Roan's face back towards the wickets, with a piqued expression. "It's real mean," she said. "What have I missed now?" "Only a good catch," said the Hon. Tolshunt Darcy, whose eyes had never faltered from her face.

Formerly, it is thought, these two forests took up all the west and south part of the county; but particularly we are assured, that it reached to the River Chelmer, and into Dengy Hundred, and from thence again west to Epping and Waltham, where it continues to be a forest still.