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A thousand excuses from your hmbl. obt. svt., Behari Lal Chatterji."

The Bengali nodded impudently at Amber. "It is my will." "Shabash! I bear a message, hazoor, from the Bell." "You are the Mouthpiece of the Voice?" "That honor is mine, hazoor. For the rest I am " "Behari Lal Chatterji," interrupted Rutton impatiently; "solicitor of the Inner Temple disbarred; anointed thief, liar, jackal, lickspittle, and perjurer I know you."

Pulin was delighted to recognise in the stranger a certain Kisari Mohan Chatterji, who had taught him English in the General Assembly's College more than a decade back. In a few words he told his sad story and learnt that Kisari Babu had taken the same step as he himself contemplated, with the result that he was now head clerk in Messrs. Kerr & Dunlop's export department.

Then I took a solemn vow that, if there was a drop of Brahmin blood flowing in my veins, I would avenge myself. You understand the business to some extent now, don't you? But wait a little longer. You will enjoy it, when I tell you the whole story; it is interesting. "When you were attending college, one Bipradas Chatterji used to live next door to your lodgings. The poor fellow is dead now.

"God is infinite in attributes," says Mr. Chatterji, "and yet devoid of attributes. This is the God whom the Bhagavad Gita proclaims."

"Chatterji fired at you," Amber argued stubbornly. "Only when he found it was his life or mine. I tell you, David, if our enemy in the outer darkness were the babu's brother, he would not touch a hair of my head unless in self-defense." "I don't understand. It's all so impossible!" Amber threw out his hands helplessly, "Unbelievable! For God's sake wake me up and tell me I've had a nightmare!"

"Well but " The situation hardly lent itself to such a discussion; he had the babu first to dispose of. Amber resumed his cross-examination. "Who are you?" he demanded. "And what is your business in this place?" The fat yellowish-brown face was distorted by a fugitive grimace of deprecation. "Hazoor, I am Behari Lal Chatterji, solicitor, of the Inner Temple." "Well? And your business here?"