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And, above this confused and continuous tumult, such vociferations as these could be heard: "I tell you they must be at home!" "Canailles, swindlers, thieves!" "We want to go in: we will go in!" "Let the woman come, then: we want to see her, to speak to her!"

"Seeing their privileges in danger of invasion by these twenty-four millions mostly canailles; possibly created by God, it is true, but clearly so created to be the slaves of Privilege does it surprise you that the dispensing of royal justice should be placed in the stout hands of these Lesdiguieres, men without brains to think or hearts to be touched?

"You will oblige me by remaining in bed, sir, for a moment." "Coquins! Canailles! Cochons!" shrieked the lady. "Madame," said Colonel Clark, politely, "the necessities of war are often cruel."

"Let your men be sent away; I will come out freely and repair to the camp alone, or else I will be killed here!" "Mille tonnerres!" shouted D'Artagnan; "why that's the voice of Athos! Ah, canailles!" and the sword of D'Artagnan flashed from its sheath. Monk stopped him and advanced himself, exclaiming, in a sonorous voice: "Hola! what is going on here? Digby, whence this fire? why these cries?"

"Let your men be sent away; I will come out freely and repair to the camp alone, or else I will be killed here!" "Mille tonnerres!" shouted D'Artagnan; "why, that's the voice of Athos! Ah canailles!" and the sword of D'Artagnan flashed from its sheath. Monk stopped him and advanced himself, exclaiming, in a sonorous voice: "Hola! what is going on here? Digby, whence this fire? why these cries?"

"You will oblige me by remaining in bed, sir, for a moment." "Coquins! Canailles! Cochons!" shrieked the lady. "Madame," said Colonel Clark, politely, "the necessities of war are often cruel."

And the same imbeciles, if not canailles, speak of a mob-rule over the President, etc. Some one ought to enlighten those French and English supercilious ignorami that something like a mob only prevails in such cities as New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore; and nine-tenths of such a mob are mostly yet unwashed, unrepublicanized Europeans.

The two trombonists were now on their feet, shaking from head to foot while they saluted their general, whose ever-approaching stride struck fresh agony to their hearts. He was roaring: "Canailles! Imbéciles! A month of prison!" and "Sacré bon Dieu's!" were all jumbled together. "Overslept! Overslept, did you?" he bellowed. "In a château, I'll wager. Parbleu! Where then? Out with it!"